Page 5 - DIVA_1_2011
P. 5

International Day against Nuclear

                 Tests and 19th anniversary of the

             closing of the S mipalatinsk test sit

            Prominent academics, scien-  64/35  of the United Nations   •  Werner Burkart, Deputy   world free of nuclear wea-
            tists, international officials,   General Assembly's sixty-  Director-General of the  pons is achievable."
            diplomats and activists   fourth session designated 29   International Atomic Energy
            convened in Astana,      August as the day for celebra-  Agency (IAEA);   Calling upon the international
            Kazakhstan, on 26 August   ting the global effort to pre-  • Miroslav Jenca, Head of the   community to reflect deeply
            2010, on the eve of the first   vent nuclear tests from happe-  United Nations Regional  on the consequences of the
            global celebration of the   ning again. It also commemo-  Centre for Preventive  nuclear weapons tests in
            United Nations-designated   rated the anniversary of shut-  Diplomacy in Central Asia;   Semipalatinsk and around the
            International Day against   ting down one of the world's   •  Kori Udovicki, United  world, Ban Ki-moon stated:
            Nuclear Tests (29 August), to   largest nuclear test sites at   Nations Assistant Secretary-  "The better this dark era of
            issue a strong call to the inter-  Semipalatinsk, which took   General and Regional  history is understood, the
            national community to take   place following a decree from   Director for Europe and the   brighter will be the prospects
            more resolute steps towards   Kazakhstan's 	                          of  for achieving a world free of
            banning nuclear tests.   Nursultan Nazarbayev in   Independent States;    nuclear weapons. It is time to
                                     1991.                    •  Olzhas Suleimenov, the   close all nuclear sites and
            The delegates gathered for an                     founder and leader of the  address the harm they have
            international 	                                   "Nevada-Semey" internatio-  caused. It is time we brought
                                     The conference agenda cove-
            entitled 	                                        nal anti-nuclear movement   the Comprehensive Nuclear-
                                     red the political aspects of
            From Rehabilitation to   ending nuclear testing and   and currently Kazakhstan's   Test-Ban Treaty into force. It
            Development" and jointly   getting rid of nuclear wea-  Ambassador to UNESCO.   is time for all to seek the secu-
            organized by the Ministry of   pons, and particularly the                 rity of a world without
            Foreign 	                                         Miroslav Jenca read out a   nuclear weapons. We cannot
                                     socio-economic and environ-
            Kazakhstan and the United   mental challenges of and pro-  message from United Nations   pass these challenges to suc-
            Nations. It focused on co-   spects for the Semipalatinsk   Secretary-General Ban Ki-  ceeding generations. We must
                                     region's development.
            operation 	                                       moon, in which he said:  each do our part to build a
            Kazakhstan and international                      "Today, with Kazakhstan  safer, more secure world
            organizations in overcoming   The speakers included:   having banished nuclear wea-  today."
            the aftermath of nearly 500   •  Tibor Tóth, Executive   pons and joined in creating a
            Soviet nuclear tests in the   Secretary of the Preparatory   nuclear-weapon-free zone in   The conference resulted in
            Semipalatinsk region that   Commission of the     Central Asia, Semipalatinsk   participants adopting an
            affected more than  1.5   Comprehensive Nuclear-   has become a powerful sym-  Appeal to the world commu-

            million people. Adopted on 2   Test-Ban   Treaty   bol of hope. It tells us that a   nity, as well as a new joint
            December 2009, Resolution   Organization;
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