Page 9 - DIVA_1_2011
P. 9

Interview with Vladimir Gratchev, Director, Division of
                 Conference Management, United Nations, Geneva

            Vladimir Gratchev is a                                                   Department of Peace-
            pleasant man whom                                                        keeping Operations under
            you may bump into                                                        Kofi Annan, Iqbal Riza and
            early morning when he                                                    Lakhdar Brahimi. I have
            enters the Palais or late                                                also to add the name of Rolf
            at night when he is lea-                                                 Knutsson, who has been and
            ving the office. He is a                                                 remains my tutor and
            hard-working man who                                                     mentor for many years. I
            strives for a high quali-                                                was lucky and privileged to
            ty of work. He gradua-                                                   work under these outstan-
            ted with honours from                                                    ding personalities. This is
            the prestigious Moscow                                                   how it all started for me in
            Institute and had a                                                      the UN. After Kofi Annan
            career in the Foreign                                                    was elected Secretary-
            Ministry of the USSR                                                     General, I worked in his
            and the Russian                                                          Executive Office from 1997
            Federation before joi-                                                   until 2003. This was the
            ning the UN Secretariat.                                                 most exciting time in my
                                                                                     UN career since I was
            Recently, he has written                                                 entrusted with political mat-
            a book about one of the   for twenty years, I followed   passed away. Historically,   ters, such as Iraq, humanita-
            well known and influen-   what I consider to be the   this was a very interesting  rian and peacekeeping mis-
                                     main part of my career in the
            tial 		                                           period, during which Ronald  sions. Therefore, many
            Soviet/Russian times,    Ministry of Foreign Affairs   Reagan, who was in the  nights were spent in the
                                     of my country. During this
            Ambassador 	                                      Oval Office, was describing  Security Council. In 2003, I
            Vorontsov who played     period I had three assign-  the USSR as "the evil empi-  made a move to Geneva as
            an important role in     ments: in New York where I   re". His Presidency started   Chief of the Central
            diplomacy throughout     worked at the Soviet     off with difficulties in the   Planning and Coordination
            the whole period follo-  Mission to the United    relations between the USSR   Service of the Conference
            wing the Second World    Nations, as well as in the   and the United States but it   Services Division. In 2006, I
            War up to the first deca-  Consulate General, which at   ended with the beginning of   was selected to succeed
            de of the twenty-first   that time was being set up.   Perestroika and the warming  Omar Abou Zahr as Director
            century. We here at      My assignment came to an   up of the political climate   of the Division which, under
            Diva are very honored    end in 1979, due to the   between the Super Powers.  my watch, became the
            that Mr. Gratchev        Soviet Union's military   When my assignment came   Division for Conference
            accepted to grant us     involvement in Afghanistan   to an end, I returned to   Management comprising of
            this interview because   which caused sanctions   Moscow and worked for two   620 regular budget posts
            customarily he does      imposed by the United    years for the First Deputy   with an biennium budget of
            not talk to the press.   States and its Allies against   Foreign Minister. Then, I  approximately US$250
            However, he did make     Moscow. For one year I   was assigned to India as the  million
            an exception for Diva's   worked at the US desk of the   Political Counsellor and wit-
            readers, and now we      Ministry of Foreign Affairs   nessed the transition from   Q: How many meetings
            leave the floor to       and after I was reassigned to   the USSR to the Russian   do you organize yearly?
            him                      Washington for nearly six   Federation there.
                                     years as an assistant to                        DCM services more than
                                                              In 1993, upon the comple-
            Q: Could you tell us     Ambassador 	                                    10,000 meetings a year,
            something about who      Dobiynin -- a highly distin-  tion of my mission there, I   since UNOG is one of the
            you are and what you     guished diplomat who was   was granted temporary   biggest conference centres
            have done?               also the Dean of the     appointments in the United   of the United Nations.
                                     Diplomatic Corps. He deser-  Nations Secretariat in New
            I started my career after I   ves a place in the Guinness   York -- first for five months,   DCM has more than seventy
            graduated from Moscow    Book of Records, because   then six months, then eleven   clients, both regular and
                                     he had served at his post in
            State 	                                           months and so on. For three-  extra-budgetary. It provides
                                     Washington for twenty-four
            International 	                                   and-a-half years I was the   services to UNCTAD, ECE,
                                                              desk officer for UN opera-
            (known now as MGIMO      consecutive 	                                   CD, UNFCCC, UNCCD,
            University) in 1975. Then,   Unfortunately, he recently   tions in Haiti in the   etc. and 60 per cent of our
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