Page 11 - DIVA_1_2011
P. 11

project. However, in retro-
            spect, the first book ought to
            have been translated.
            became convinced of this
            while reading articles on the
            65th anniversary of the
            Nuremberg Trials last year.

            Q: So tell me about your
            new book.

            Ambassador Yuli Vorontsov
            was at the centre of diplo-
            macy both in the USSR and
            the Russian Federation
            during historically fascina-
            ting epoch. When he passed
            away Diva published his
            Ambassador Vorontsov was   strive for a comprehensive   why it is called "From  personal views on events
            an impressive and at the   account of the Ambassador's   Molotov to Lavrov" is  and personalities of his era,
            same time a very decent   life.                  because he started work   expanded with illustrations
            man. His family, friends                         when Molotov was the  and contributions of other
            and colleagues encouraged   Yuli Vorontsov was very   Foreign Minister, and conti-  diplomats. Further, it
            him to write a book about   good at sharing his views   nued up to the time when   contains many documents,
            his life -- but he never did   with journalists and collea-  Sergei Lavrov filled this  texts from different publica-
            so. When he died there was   gues. So, I collected practi-  position. Of course, the  tions that refer to
            actually nothing in writing   cally everything that was  book covers all Ministers  Ambassador Vorontsov or
            except numerous press inter-  available in writing and put   such
                                                                                     events mentioned in nume-
            views and home archives.   interviews all together,   Shevardnadze, Kozyrev,   rous interviews, never
                                     including his personal archi-  Bessmertnykh, Primakov,   published before. The for-
            I have a co-author, a well   ves and handwritten texts. A   Ivanov, etc. At the begin-  mer UN Secretary-General
            known Russian journalist --  well-known Russian film   ning of his career, Vorontsov   Kofi Annan, knew
            Gagik Karapetyan. He had   documentalist and friend of  was an assistant to Andrey   Ambassador Vorontsov well
            managed to approach      the Ambassador, Yuri  Vyshinsky, who actually  (the latter was his Special
            Ambassador Vorontsov     Aldokhin, whenever he met   passed away just after  Representative for CIS besi-
            several years ago and asked   with the Ambassador, put a   making a speech about the   des other assignments), and
            him why he had never writ-  camera in front of him and   creation of the IAEA. The   he was kind to write the pre-
            ten anything about his expe-  said, for instance: "Please   book reveals many interes-  face to the book.
            riences since he had worked   tell me about Afghanistan",   ting experiences and unk-
            under so many different   and he recorded Vorontsov's   nown facts as well as   Q: We grew up during
            foreign ministers, starting   recollections. The book   contains documents publis-  the time of the Cold
            his career in  1952.  Gagik   included chapters on how   hed for the first time.  War, a time of misun-
            managed to persuade the   the Ambassador was tasked   Friends and colleagues, like   derstanding. You are, in
            Ambassador to grant him   to withdraw Soviet troops   the current Russian   fact, showing the other
            interviews during which his   from Afghanistan; 	                        side of the coin. Don't
                                                             Ambassador in India,
            days with different foreign   assignment in Paris; life in   Alexksandr Kadakin, First   you think that "we in the
            ministers were recalled.   Washington; Geneva disar-  Deputy Foreign Minister,   West" should have
            These were recorded. A cou-  mament talks; his experien-  Andrey Denisov, Permanent   access to this informa-
            ple of months before he pas-  ces as the USSR and the   Representative of Russia to   tion?
            sed away the Ambassador   Russian
                                                             the United Nations, Vitaly
            showed me the manuscript   Representative to the United   Churkin, shared their recol-  I am a child of the Cold War
            prepared by Gagik and    Nations, etc. The Aldokhin   lections of the Ambassador.   but I was lucky to study
            asked me to read it. And I   tapes amounted to six or                    "another side of the coin",
            did -- that night. After   seven hours of direct   Q: Does the book give a   working in the United States
            Vorontsov's death, I called   speech, and this also went   new vision of contem-  for 21 years, as a Soviet
            Gagik and proposed to him   into the book. So by the end   porary Soviet/Russian   diplomat from President
            to write a book together in a   of the day, a large part of the   history?   Ford to President Reagan.
            slightly different manner in   book is based on the perso-               The period from 1975 to
            order to include everything   nal accounts of the  First, the book captures   1986 was not the Cold War,
            that had been left out and to   Ambassador. The reason  Ambassador Vorontsov's   despite the crises and "evil

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