Page 12 - DIVA_1_2011
P. 12

USSR First Deputy Foreign  International Relations, will
                                                               Minister and a predecessor  surely be interested in rea-
                                                               of Vorontsov in this post.   ding the book to find inspi-
                                                                                       ration for their future
                                                               Q: When is the book  careers. Undoubtedly, his
                                                               coming out?             example has influenced me
                                                                                       in both my personal and
                                                               It will be launched in  diplomatic life.
      r                                                        February in Moscow.
                                                               Actually, 10 February is a  Q: Is this something that
                                                               professional holiday for  will only be possible for
                                                               Soviet/Russian diplomats  Russian students?
                                                               and so, given Ambassador
                                                               Vorontsovs distinguished  No, hopefully one day this
                                                               career, both during the  book will be translated.
                                                               Soviet era and the Russian  Also, the Foreign Ministry
                                                               Federation, I think this is the  of the Russian Federation
                                                               best moment to unveil the  published, in 2009, a book
             empire'. It was more a per-  well as numerous briefings   book.           about the Ambassador to
             iod of, let us call it "shy   to the Security Council. For
                                                                                       which the Foreign Minister
             détente", very much influen-  a small State such as
                                                               Q: What do you consi-   Sergei Lavrov wrote a fore-
             ced by the mistrust of the   Kuwait, 605 missing per-
                                                               der to be the main lega-  word and a Foundation has
             past. I have learned that cer-  sons represented a humani-  cy of Ambassador  been recently set up in
             tain political figures invol-  tarian trauma and much suf-
                                                               Vorontsov?              Denver, Colorado by
             ved in diplomacy were    fering for as long as it per-                    Deborah Palmieri, in order
             open-minded and worked   sisted. The Ambassador's
                                                               I think his main legacy is  to carry out a special project
             hard to overcome the stereo-  wise diplomacy and funda-
                                                               that in diplomacy, first and  in memory of Ambassador
             types of the Cold War.   mental humanity contribu-
                                                               foremost, one should have,  Vorontsov. The International
             Diplomacy has always been   ted significantly to keeping
                                                               and defend, human values. It  Informatization Academy
             working for the thawing of   hope and dignity alive and
                                                               is not very professional to  established a medal named
             the international climate.   responsibilities focused.
                                                               try to outsmart partners in  after the Ambassador. I am
             Ambassador Vorontsov was
                                                               negotiations. It is the ability  pleased that he is remembe-
             the First Deputy Foreign   Q: Do you think we lack
                                                               to listen and to understand  red by many people across
             Minister and in this position   people like Ambassador
                                                               as well as to appreciate your  the globe, in particular at the
             he dealt with situations such   Vorontsov today?
                                                               opponent's opinion, whether  United Nations where he
             as the crisis between Iraq
                                                               you like it or not. It is the  started a career at the Ninth
             and Kuwait; the negotiations   No, I think that every gene-
                                                               ability to analyze in order to  Session of the General
             in Geneva concerning the   ration brings forth people of
                                                               reach conclusions based on  Assembly.
             ban on medium-range missi-  his caliber. You may recall
                                                               the well-grounded opinions
             les; and, the withdrawal of   Sergio Viera de Mello and   of diplomats from the other
     Cl)     Soviet 	                                          side while yet defending the
                      troops 	Lakhdar Brahimi; further
             Afghanistan, which was the   back Dag Hammaskjold.   interests of your own nation.
             main problem between the   Some of these people are not
                                                               This is my own view of the
             USSR and the entire world   always to be found on the   human dimension to diplo-
             at that time. I fully suppor-  front pages. Some are visi-
                                                               macy which has not
             ted the decision of the   ble, some are less -- that's   been very much
             Soviet government to with-  all. I am happy that in my   explored.
             draw from Afghanistan,   life I had the chance to be
             which saved many lives of   close to Ambassador
                                                               0: Finally, on a
             my compatriots.          Vorontsov, and that I was   personal level
                                      lucky when he shared his
             For seven years - actually   wisdom with me. He was
             until the day he died,   one of those people who
                                                               Vorontsov left
             Ambassador Vorontsov was   accomplished a lot without
             the High-Level Coordinator   too much fanfare. Having
             of the Secretary General for   said that, I do acknowledge
                                                               He could have said
             missing Kuwaitis and third   that he was personally and
                                                               so much but he
             country nationals and stolen   professionally quite unusual   actually said very
             Kuwaiti property. From   - even exceptional. The for-
                                                               little! Students of
             2000 until December 2007,   mer USSR had several   diplomacy in his          t1 fl   J  0  M  a  I
             he prepared twenty-five   diplomats of this standing.
                                                               Alma Mater, the                     C'
             reports of the Secretary-  In this connection, I would   Moscow
             General on this issue, as   like to mention Georgi
                                      Kornienko, who was the
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