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empowered by internet and smart phones can do wonders.

                                                                                                                                     You know, countries of the African continent are leaders in mobile banking today. In my last trip
                                                                                                                                     to the tiny nation of Malawi, I visited the picturesque lake Malawi. For a landlocked country, this
                                                                                                                                     beautiful  lake  with  white  sand  beach  is  a  major  tourist  attraction.  My  local  driver  Chikondi
                                                                                                                                     bought fish on the way back with all the money he had with him for his family. Then came a call
                                                                                                                                     from his sister. She came to know that brother was visiting the lake side on duty and wanted
                                                                                                                                     some fish too. It is very much like the practice in Ukraine; when we buy 'Bichki' on the way
                                                                                                                                     from Odessa to Kiev. Chikondi confessed he used all spare money to buy fish for his family and
                                                                                                                                     can  only  buy  for  her  if  she  sends  some.  In  no  time  came  a  signal  on  his  mobile  device.  An
             c u l t u r e                                                                                                           intimation of money being transfered from his sister and Chikondi bought fish instantly on the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            c u l t u r e
                                                                                                                                     roadside. Indian company Airtel has made a major investment in that region.

            Is Africa that far?

            Whenever	I	start	a	discussion	on	Africa,	in	Ukraine,	in	most	  culture	of	the	these	places.	It’s	quite	natural	that	when	you
            of	the	cases	I	come	across	dogmas,	myths	and	stereotypes.	  don’t	know	somebody,	you	are	apprehensive	about	them.
            Deadly	 diseases	 like	 AIDS,	 Ebola,	 Malaria	 and	 pictures	 of
            extreme	poverty	come	into	the	mind	at	first.	Pathetic	stories	  For	some	unknown	reason,	many	in	the	world	refer	to	the
            of	drowning	immigrants	close	to	the	European	shores	and	  continent	 Africa	 as	 if	 it’s	 a	 large	 country	 as	 a	 whole.	 It	 is
            pictures	 of	 malnourished	 children	 on	 television	 screens	  amusing,	just	like	the	way	most	Americans	refer	to	the	vast
            certainly	do	not	add	appetite	to	                                       Soviet	 Union	 as	 Russia.	 The
            explore	the	region	any	closer.	                                         continent	 of	 Africa	 contains
                                                                                                                                      looked	like	we	were	to	stay	on	the	road	for	quite	sometime
                                                                                                                                                                                      Sudan.	Fresh	Tilapia	at	the	Source	of	Nile	in	Uganda	or	Nile
            Moreover,	the	continent	is	too	                                         fiftyfour	 sovereign	 countries	                 My job takes me to many countries in different continents. I have seen traffic jam in all the major
                                                                                                                                      and	offered	a	service	of	connecting	to	Wi-Fi	for	an	hour	in	his
                                                                                                                                                                                      Perch	at	the	Junction	of	two	Niles	at	Khartoum	can	meet	the
            far	from	home	territory	and	is	                                         and	the	land	of	the	Africa	can	                  capitals. Dar Es Salam is also notorious for its traffic jams, especially on their airport road. We
                                                                                                                                                                                      expectations	of	any	demanding	taste	buds.	No	wonder	‘Visit
                                                                                                                                      car.	I	paid	close	to	a	dollar	and	spent	most	productive	time
            quite	 unknown,	 still	 hidden	                                         house	whole	of	China,	India,	                    got stuck at the jam. The hotel taxi driver said, it looked like we were to stay on the road for
                                                                                                                                                                                      Rwanda’	is	the	sponsor	of	the	English	football	team	Arsenal
                                                                                                                                      in	a	traffic	jam.
            behind	  dark	  mysterious	                                             contiguous	 US	 and	 much	 of	                   quite sometime and offered a service of connecting to Wi-Fi for an hour in his car. I paid close to
                                                                                                                                                                                      for	the	season	2018-2019.
            legends.                                                                Europe.	People	and	cultures	of	                  a dollar and spent most productive time in a traffic jam.
                                                                                    Africans	 starting	 from	 Egypt	                  You	know	Ghana	to	be	a	leader	in	testing	“blockchain”	for
            For	 centuries,	 we	 have	 been	                                        to	South	Arica	is	as	different	                    their	land	and	property	registration	process.	I	am	fortunate	  We	start	the	day	with	a	sip	of	Arabica	(a	region	in	Ethiopia),
                                                                                                                                                                                      relish	the	tests	of	Cacao	from	Ivory	coast,	greet	the	loved	ones
                                                                                                                                      to	 have	 met	 the	 famous	 university	 professor	 whom	 the
            fed	 by	 media,	 which	 has	                                            and	diverse	as	that	of	Siberia	                  You know Ghana to be a leader in testing “blockchain” for their land and property registration
                                                                                                                                      President	has	appointed	as	an	advisor	for	this	purpose.
                                                                                                                                                                                      with	Kenyan	roses,	engagement	rings	with	diamonds	from
            generally	shown	Africa	in	dark	                                         to	Uzbekistan.                                   process.  I  am  fortunate  to  have  met  the  famous  university  professor  whom  the  President  has
            shades.	 From	 childhood,	 we	                                                                                           appointed as an advisor for this purpose.        Congo	and	dance	with	rhythms	of	Africa	-	Africa	somehow
            are	 brought	 up	 by	 the	 stories	                                     One	 beauty	 of	 Africa	 today	                    Ukraine,	 being	 a	 bread	 basket,	 has	 a	 lot	 to	 offer	 to	 the	  helps	us	celebrate	our	lives.	So	maybe	it’s	high	time	to	know
            where	 ‘the	 good’	 fights	 ‘the	                                       is	 that	 the	 continent	 is	                     developing	countries	of	Africa	in	the	field	of	food	security.	  Africa	closer?
                                                                                                                                      With	rich	experience	and	expertise	Ukrainians	can	be	of	much
            evil’	 and	 good	 always	 turns	                                        extremely                                         Ukraine, being a bread basket, has a lot to offer to the developing countries of Africa in the field
                                                                                                                                      help	to	the	agricultural	and	food	sectors	in	Africa,	where	in
                                                                                                                                                                                      Suvra Chakraborty, Dubai, UAE
            out	 to	 be	 the	 winner.	 If	 you	                                     young.	 Around	 half	 of	 the	                   of  food  security.  With  rich  experience  and  expertise  Ukrainians  can  be  of  much  help  to  the
                                                                                                                                      many	 cases	 they	 are	 at	 the	 early	 stages	 of	 introduction	 of
                                                                                                                                                                                      Director  AMC  Overseas  FZE//  Promoter  of  Ukrainian
            observe	carefully,	you	will	see	                                        population	 of	 1.2	 billion	                    agricultural  and  food  sectors  in  Africa,  where  in  many  cases  they  are  at  the  early  stages  of
                                                                                                                                      modern	 cultivation,	 irrigation	 and	 storage.	 In	 addition	 to
                                                                                                                                                                                      products in the Middle East & Africa//
            in	 popular	 cartoons	 we	 raise	                                       people	 is	 less	 than	 twenty-                  introduction  of  modern  cultivation,  irrigation  and  storage.  In  addition  to  direct  supplies  of
                                                                                                                                      direct	 supplies	 of	 readymade	 food	 products	 like	 poultry,
                                                                                                                                                                                      Official  Representative  of  the  Ukrainian  Chamber  of
            children	with	character	traits,	                                        five	years	of	age.	These	young	                  readymade  food  products  like  poultry,  dairy,  vegetable  oil,  Ukraine  has  a  lot  to  offer  to  the
                                                                                                                                      dairy,	vegetable	oil,	Ukraine	has	a	lot	to	offer	to	the	nation
            like	 “Lion	 King”,	 “Bamby”,	                                          populations	 empowered	 by	                      nation  building  aspirations  in  Africa  with   Commerce and Industry in the Federal Democratic Republic
                                                                                                                                                                                      of Ethiopia//
            “Nu	 pogodi”,	 the	 evils	 and	                                         internet	and	smart	phones	can	                    building	aspirations	in	Africa	with	their	expertise	in	heavy	 their  expertise  in  heavy  engineering,  mining
                                                                                                                                                                                      International  Consultant  of  ITC  (UN  &  WTO),  Geneva,  IT
                                                                                                                                      engineering,	mining	equipment,	infrastructure	development,
            the	 villains	 are	 depicted	 in	                                       do	wonders.                                      equipment,  infrastructure  development,  post-harvest  grain  handling,  food  processing  and
                                                                                                                                      post-harvest	grain	handling,	food	processing	and	IT	sectors.
            distinctive	 dark	 colors.	 In	      The true size of Africa                                                             sectors.                                         Switzerland//
            classic	 ballet	 “Swan	 Lake”	 we	                                      You	 know,	 countries	 of	 the	                                                                   Visiting Lecturer of Maastricht University, the Netherlands//
                                                                                                                                      During	11th-15th	May	2018	in	the	major	event	-	Fifty-first
                                                                                                                                                                                      Visiting  Lecturer  of  Polytechnic  Institute  of  Tomar,
            see	evil	Odile	clad	in	a	black	                                         African	continent	are	leaders	                   During 11th-15th May 2018 in the major event - Fifty-first Session of the Economic Commission
                                                                                                                                      Session	 of	 the	 Economic	 Commission	 for	 Africa	 and	 the
            attire	among	the	‘’snow	white	good	ones’’.	The	colour	black	is	  in	mobile	banking	today.	In	my	last	trip	to	the	tiny	nation	  for Africa and the Annual Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic
                                                                                                                                                                      Development - finance & planning ministers of fifty-four countries gathered under one roof in
            still	waiting	its	turn	to	be	glorified	some	day!  of	 Malawi,	 I	 visited	 the	 picturesque	 lake	 Malawi.	 For	 a	       Annual	Conference	of	African	Ministers	of	Finance,	Planning	  Honorary President of Kyiv Classic Orchestra, Ukraine
                                                                                                                                                                      the UN headquarter Addis Ababa ( There, once again I felt the
                                                             landlocked	country,	this	beautiful	lake	with	white	sand	beach	           and	Economic	Development	-	finance	&	planning	ministers
                                                                                                                                                                      diverse aspirations of different African countries and also their aspiration and desire to create a
            The	 recent	 history	 of	 Africa	 is	 marred	 with	 colonialism,	  is	a	major	tourist	attraction.	My	local	driver	Chikondi	bought	  of	fifty-four	countries	gathered	under	one	roof	in
                                                                                                                                                                      continental free zone for business.
            apartheid,	 slavery,	 ethnic	 conflicts,	 genocides	 and	 the	  fish	on	the	way	back	with	all	the	money	he	had	with	him	for	  the	UN	 headquarter	Addis	 Ababa	(
            continent	have	had	very	few	opportunities	to	be	glorified	in	  his	family.	Then	came	a	call	from	his	sister.	She	came	to	know	  cfm2018).	 There,	 once	 again	 I	 felt	 the	 diverse	 aspirations
            front	of	the	world.	It	does	not	mean,	that	the	world	did	not	  that	brother	was	visiting	the	lake	side	on	duty	and	wanted  of	different	African	countries	and	also	their	aspiration	and
            know	about	Africa.	Western	Europe	smelled	the	wealth	of	  some	fish	too.	It	is	very	much	like	the	practice	in	Ukraine;	   desire	to	create	a	continental	free	zone	for	business.
            those	regions	and	reached	those	borders	centuries	ago	and	  when	 we	 buy	 ‘Bichki’	 on	 the	 way	 from	 Odessa	 to	 Kiev.
            eventually	concurred	and	colonized	them.	They	lived	there,	  Chikondi	confessed	he	used	all	spare	money	to	buy	fish	for	  For	any	business,	that	is	willing	to	explore	the	opportunities
            ruled	there,	looted	them	out	of	their	wealth	completely	for	  his	family	and	can	only	buy	for	her	if	she	sends	some.	In	no	  in	Africa,	the	first	and	most	important	step	is	to	identify	the
            more	than	a	century.	It	won’t	be	an	overstatement	to	say	that	a	  time	came	a	signal	on	his	mobile	device.	An	intimation	of	  areas	of	focus.	Small	countries	can	show	good	prospect,	but
            major	source	of	Europe’s	wealth	is	Africa.	When	Africa	came	  money	being	transfered	from	his	sister	and	Chikondi	bought	  individually	offer	small	clientele.	Therefore,	considering	the
            out	of	its	colonial	days,	like	in	Asia,	they	not	only	found	their	  fish	 instantly	 on	 the	 roadside.	 Indian	 company	 Airtel	 has	  ground	realities	like	logistical	and	financial	aspects,	one	has
            wealth	looted	but	also	found	that	the	overwhelming	share	of	  made	a	major	investment	in	that	region.                     to	decide	on	an	effective	entry	plan.
            their	population	were	kept	far	away	from	the	light	of	basic
            education	for	generations.                       My	job	takes	me	to	many	countries	in	different	continents.	I	            Africa	is	large	and	diverse,	you	can	find	there;	the	pristine
                                                             have	seen	traffic	jam	in	all	the	major	capitals.	Dar	Es	Salam	is	        beauty	 of	 Zanzibar	 (Tanzania),	 wildlife	 extravaganza	 of
                                                                                                                                                                      Meeting with Ms Vera Songwe, Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission on Africa
            Ukraine	fortunately	has	no	such	colonial	past	across	ocean	  also	notorious	for	its	traffic	jams,	especially	on	their	airport	  Maasaimara	 (Kenya),	 the	 remains	 of	 the	 oldest	 human	  Meeting with Ms Vera Songwe, Executive

                                                                                                                                                                      For  any  business,  that  is  willing  to  explore  the  opportunities  in  Africa,  the  first  and  most
            and	may	be	therefore	not	that	well	versed	with	people	and	  road.	We	got	stuck	at	the	jam.	The	hotel	taxi	driver	said,	it	  Lusy	in	Addis	Ababa	(Ethiopia)	and	unknown	pyramids	of	  Secretary of the Economic Commission on Africa
                                                                                                                                                                      important  step is  to  identify the  areas  of focus. Small  countries  can show good prospect,  but
                                                                                                                                                                      individually offer small clientele. Therefore, considering the ground realities like logistical and
                                                                                                                                                                      financial aspects, one has to decide on an effective entry plan.
                                                                        D I VA   -   I N T E R N AT I O N A L   D I P LO M AT         I N T E R N AT I O N A L   D I P LO M AT   -   D I VA

                                                                                                                                                                      Africa  is  large  and  diverse,  you  can  find  there;  the  pristine  beauty  of  Zanzibar  (Tanzania),
                                                                                                                                                                      wildlife extravaganza of Maasaimara (Kenya), the remains of the oldest human Lusy in Addis
                                                                                                                                                                      Ababa  (Ethiopia)  and  unknown  pyramids  of  Sudan.  Fresh  Tilapia  at  the  Source  of  Nile  in
                                                                                                                                                                      Uganda or Nile Perch at the Junction of two Niles at Khartoum can meet the expectations of any
                                                                                                                                                                      demanding taste buds. No wonder ‘Visit Rwanda’ is the sponsor of the English football team
                                                                                                                                                                      Arsenal for the season 2018-2019.

                                                                                                                                                                      We start the day with a sip of Arabica (a region in Ethiopia), relish the tests of Cacao from Ivory
                                                                                                                                                                      coast, greet the loved ones with Kenyan roses, engagement rings with diamonds from Congo and
                                                                                                                                                                      dance with rhythms of Africa - Africa somehow helps us celebrate our lives. So maybe it’s  high
                                                                                                                                                                      time to know Africa closer?

                                                                                                                                                                      Suvra Chakraborty, Dubai, UAE

                                                                                                                                                                      Director AMC Overseas FZE// Promoter of Ukrainian products in the Middle East & Africa//
                                                                                                                                                                      Official Representative of the Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the Federal
                                                                                                                                                                      Democratic Republic of Ethiopia//
                                                                                                                                                                      International Consultant of ITC (UN & WTO), Geneva, Switzerland//
                                                                                                                                                                      Visiting Lecturer of Maastricht University, the Netherlands//
                                                                                                                                                                      Visiting Lecturer of Polytechnic Institute of Tomar, Portugal//
                                                                                                                                                                      Honorary President of Kyiv Classic Orchestra, Ukraine
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