Page 41 - DIVA_2_2015
P. 41

who dreamed of becoming a chef.  Teenagers learning about life are  and the name of the illness was not
           She had cancer and things did not  fragile, and you can easily damage  mentioned. This issue about cancer
           turn out well for her because she is  them. There are things that work  is no longer taboo. There are maga-
           now handicapped. She can walk but  and things that do not work. When  zine articles, TV programmes, etc.
           she cannot stand up for long. The  the environment -- the school, the  However, children and adolescent
           result is that she cannot become a  community (not just the family) --  cancer is still something we talk
           chef because this is a profession that  is involved, it's also very positive in  about very little, perhaps for legi-
           requires a lot of standing. So this  giving them the energy to fight and  timate reasons because it is very
           cancer destroyed her dreams and  move forward.                      scary. This is a total injustice. Today,
           ruined her future. For others it is                                 eight out of ten children recover.
           the opposite. Having going through  Then, it is also the story of my  This is a huge figure compared to a
           a difficult experience gives them  daughter who suffered from can-  few years back. However, the ques-
           a rage and a desire to live. One of  cer. While at the hospital with her  tion we must and should ask is: "Has
           them told me: "I know that I'll lose  I met other young people whom I  the person indeed been cured?"
           friends. I know that a lot of negative  cared about and I wondered how  They have survived but what about
           things will happen to me in life. It  life had evolved for them. I found it  the consequences -- the long-term
           will make me sad, but it will never  interesting and useful to share their  consequences -- for these young
           destroy me."                      experiences with a larger number  people? They can end up disabled,
                                             of people. What they say is valuable  suffer from cardio-vascular prob-
           Q:  As  Head of Communication  and it should be heard; very often  lems, become sterile, and endure
           at  UNCTAD,  why have you em-     we do not give them the oppor-    other problems in their adult life.
           barked on such a venture?         tunity to express themselves by  There are indeed a lot of things to
                                             talking to them. There may be lots  look into.
           I wanted the public to understand  of studies, but they do not let the
           what you should do and what you  teenagers talk.
           should not do. I've realized that you
           feel very awkward; you feel help-  Q: Do you think we do not talk  If you want to learn more about how
           less. Both you and the people in  enough about cancer?              to behave with or talk to persons with
           your environment. You would like                                    cancer, read Muriel Scibilia's book.
           to do something, but you feel lost.  The situation has changed. Today  She has generously granted all the
           If you read and listen to what these  there is quite a lot of talk about can-  rights of the book to an association
           adolescents say, you can under-   cer. A few years ago in France no-  conducting cancer research for child-
           stand what you can do easily with-  body liked to say the word "cancer".  ren and adolescents.
           out having to be told to do it. These  What people said was that a per-
           are often small things that can  son had died "after a long illness",
           make a huge difference to the per-
           son. One, for instance, told me:
           "I do not want anyone talking about   IRi\N('AI
                                                            ALIiMANI)   -  i\N(iIAIS   -  It'AIINN FsI'A(;NJOI. (HINOJ
           my illness. What did me the most
           good was when someone came and          C- 	                                             %  ')

           played video games with me. That
           was what I needed there and then."
           When someone in your entourage is      TUR(   Le tour d'une langue en 80 heures
           suffering from these problems and           Français. Anglais . Allemand. Russe + 33 langues
           you are going to pay them a visit       -
           in hospital, after reading this you    SUEDOIS   Apprenez une langue en quelques mois!
           know a little bit more about what to
           do. You can play games with them,         Programmes personnalisés de 7h a 22h .7 jours sur 7
           or simply read a book and, in this             pour adultes . entreprises. enfants. adolescents
           way, you do the young person good.
           This is not a huge investment that     YZERDUTSCH -   Soutien scolaire et remotivation toutes matières:
           costs a lot of money; it is a way to
           behave -- just being there.             Mathématiques'Français 'Allemand .Mglais + toutes langues
                                                        Pédagogie personnalisée HP, "TDAH", 'DYS"...
           That is one of the aspects. Another
           thing is community support, in both               Diplôme de Secretariat en 3 a 12 mois
           its most narrow and broadest sense.
           This means that the way people                       Premier cours sans engagement
           react with teenagers is different.
                                                            32, avenue de Frontenex - 1207 Genève
                                                                                     www.ecole-varadi .ch
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