Page 54 - DIVA_4_2009
P. 54

AMBASSADRESS: Ageing Gracefully

                It is said that a reliable  field in which, by this stage  and oriental rugs.   current financial situation
                indication that one is not  in their lives, they mostly                 could be considered an
                getting any younger is the  have a certain degree of  Dog in question is now   investment. I trust H.E. will
                expectation that any minute  expertise. Personally, I  thirteen years old, so has  take that into account when
                now policemen will be  consider it to be ill-timed.   been with us long enough to  next he pays the bills for the
                                                                                        ludicrously expensive anti-
                wearing short trousers.                         contemplate
                Equally reliable is the  After half a century of  herself or at least to act her  inflammatory pills she takes
                realisation that one has been  knocking back the duty-free,  age. If you approach her  to relieve her arthritis. They
                invited to an inordinate  why wait until you have to  with one of those little  seem to work: she gives the
                number of farewell parties  pay the full price to get  machines they use to check  crows a hard time, anyway.
                in recent months to  seriously stuck into that  radiation levels on your
                celebrate one's chers  game?                    vegetables in the Moscow  Ageing Ambassadresses,
                collègues' 	                                    markets, she beeps dis-  you ask?
                retirement.            Then there are those who  concertingly, proving to the
                                        profess over-loudly to  world that she is micro-  They, mostly, are reduced to
                If a woman approaching the  desiring nothing more than a  chipped, rabies-proofed,  writing sardonic columns in
                menopause can be likened to  little peace and quiet and the  tattooed and whatever else is  the hope that someone will
                a Rottweiler in lipstick, an  opportunity to play a round  required to keep undesirable  read them.
                Ambassador nearing retire- or six of golf each week.  elements at bay. It took six
                ment must feel like a  These in reality have  months at twenty Euros per  Gn-rr. Must go and renew
                pampered peacock about to  probably spent their last  diem for a dog sitter to get  my lipstick.
                be released into the  months in service desperate-  her into the country original-
                company of carrion crows.   ly trying to get their names  ly, so she is now worth her
                                       and especially titles on to   weight in gold and in the
                Men, however, have various  various sheets of headed
                ways of dealing with the fast  notepaper, in order that their
                                                                              UNITED NATIONS WOMEN'S GUILD
                approaching trauma.    fame and glory may live on             CEFCLE FEMININ DES NATIONS UNIES
                                       in the form of some
                Some retire more or less  consultancy or honorary
                                                                           az a.t eg
                gracefully maintaining they  presidentship. This is not so
                just cannot wait to get out to  hard to achieve. I am told by
                                                                        POUR I INANCER DES PROJ[TS POUR LES ENS ANTS A SHAVERS LE MONDE
                Chiantishire and hand pick  a well-informed girlfriend
                the grapes or stand around  that my own resident H.E. is
                all night making sure the  apparently on the committee         0'
                local peasants, who have  of an erudite international
                had it far too easy up until  organization dedicated to                           Prr,,,h,T4 ,,,',do
                                                                                                    i hrlprng A'
                now, are only pressing  animal welfare. A fact of
                exclusively their master's  which he is totally unaware,
                olives instead of throwing  luckily, for although Beagle
                them in with the inferior  is a tolerated presence in our
                withered up specimens from  household, it cannot be said
                the absentee farmer next  that he feels any kind of
                door. Others simply head for  affinity with other four-
                the nearest armchair with a  legged beasts, prone as they   Tuesday. 17 November 2009, PALAIS DES N   S - Geneva
                                                                       International Annual Bazaar and Lottery
                crate of gin and never look  are to shedding excessive
                back -- and it has to be said  amounts of fur and mud all
                in their defence that this is a  over his hand-made suits

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