Page 49 - DIVA_4_2009
P. 49

tion, but Calvin wanted to   point everyone agreed:   chained to his leg. A monu-  divide. Nevertheless, his exe-
           show that he could be as   Servetus was a heretic. But,   ment now stands at the spot,   cution was denounced and
           uncompromising as his   as a foreigner, the worst that   while there are statues of him   Calvin harshly criticized for
           Catholic counterparts. Insults   could legally happen to him   in Annemasse, Vienne and   the inhuman treatment of a
           flew when Servetus met   was that he should be deport-  Paris, as well as in the village   religious rival. Servetus is
           Calvin. Servetus's trial,   ed. Calvin wanted him   where he was born.   often regarded as the first
           which lasted from August to   beheaded, but his health was               martyr by the Christian sect
           October 1553, was followed   did not allow him to be pres-  Despite his intensive knowl-  called the Unitarians, which
           closely by Calvin and   ent at the trial and his request   edge of the Bible, despite his   includes the Jehovah's
           involved correspondence   was ignored. Servetus was   passionate devotion to   Witnesses.
           with other religious groups in   finally burned at the stake at   Christianity, Servetus suc-
           search of solid religious and   Champel on 27 October,   ceeded in making enemies   HAYWARD BEYWOOD
           legal arguments. On one   with a copy of his latest book   on both sides of the religious
                                       THE CRIME OF MICHAEL SERVETUS

            Since the death of Jesus Christ and up to 1517, the Roman Catholic Church had adopted certain rites and procedu-
            res as a normal part of its religious practice. From time to time throughout its history splinter groups had attempted
            to introduce innovations or variations in the Christian faith. However well meaning these groups, they had not been
            tolerated by the Church authorities, usually resulting in the heretics being put to a brutal death. In 1553, based on
            his study of the Gospels and the early Church, Michael Servetus suggested going back to an earlier and simpler form
            of religious practice. Since, in the eyes of the Catholic community in the sixteenth century, any form of change was
             heresy, Servetus was a heretic and the punishment was simple: death by burning (as God would wish!!!).

            Since the 1520s, a new form of Christianity had taken root in northern Europe: Protestantism or the Reformed
            Church. The Protestants had, in their own eyes, returned to an earlier and simpler form of religion; one where there
            were no rituals, no priestly robes, no images of saints, no ancient relics and no altars. However, for the Protestants,
            the crime of Servetus was entirely different. In searching for a solid foundation for their doctrine, the Protestants had
            decided to found themselves on the Holy Trinity and on baptism of the young child confirming its membership of
            the church. Servetus rejected these ideas-added to which (and much worse), he had dared to contradict Calvin!

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