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Are Refitgees  human  beings... ?  dren   and   students   in   Czechoslovakia.
          In   the  afterinath    of  World   War   I,  Sir  Bulgaria,    wliich   took   thousands   of
          Eric   Dtaummond,    the  first   Secretary-  adult   refugees,   took   5,000   children
          General   of   the   League    of   Nations,  and  put  them    in  Russian    schools.
          appointed    Fridtjof    Nansen   to  super-  Bulgaria    also   took    1,000    disabled
          vise   the  repatriation    of   prisoners   of  men   with   families.   A  large   number
          war.   In  eighteen   months   Nansen   re-  of  Jews   were   settled   in  Palestine   and
          patiated    427,866   prisoners    of  nearly  the  United   States.   Yugoslavia    took
          30  different    nationalities.    Tl'iere   was  55,000   re'fugees   from   Egypt   and   Cy-
          another   emerging    problem.    The   dra-  pnis.   5,000   were   settled   in  Yugosla-
          matic   political    upheavals   in   1917-  Via.
          1920   in  Russia,   had   produced    enor-
          mous   numbers   of  refugees.     Nansen   proposed    tliat   all   the   govei'n-
                                             ments   in  the  League   of  Nations   take
          Constantinople    liad   been   occupied    by  Russian   students   and   maintain    them  is  overwhelmed,    and  the  European
          theAllies,    and   had   become   an  asylum  at  universities.    Czechoslovakia    and  states  seem   ineit.   Nobody    wants   to
          for   refugees.   Three   waves   of  refugees  France   responded    first   and   set  a  good  accept   more   refugees,    and  we   see
          waslied   over   the  city,  one  after   the  example.   Nansen   was  always   care-  right   wing   politics   and  xenophobia
          otlier,   first   Russians,   then   Turks   and  ful   to  see  to  it  that   the  children    and  on  the   rise.
          'finally   Greeks   and  Aii'nenians.  young   people   sliould   have   access   to
                                             instruction    and   education.    It  was   his  What   can  be  done?   The  European
          According    the  figures   at  the  time  conviction    that   the   futine   depended  population    is  ageing.   We  need   peo-
          there   were   about   170,000   Russians,  on  the   ability    and  industry   of   the  ple   wlio   can   take   care   of  us,  at  some
          75,000   Turks    and  155,000    Greeks  growing    generation.      point   or  anotlier.   Why  100k   for   others
          and  Armenians    in   Constantinople.                                wl'ien   tliese   are  at  our   doorstep?
          This   gives   us  an  idea   of   the  magni-  When   the  economic    depression    came
          tude   of  the   problem.          beginning    in  1929   and  reaching   its  Dynamic    and   young   people   can   do  a
                                             nadir   in  1932,   the   nations   surrorinded  lot   as  long   as  one   gives   tliem   a  chance
          Nansen    realised    that   the   refugees  themselves    with   strong   defences   by  to   prove   wliat    tliey   can   do.   One
          needed   travel   papers,    and  the  first  restricting    imports   of   foreign   goods  shorild   bear   in  mind   that,   if   Nansen
          Nansen   passports    were   issued   fol-  and  imposing    im+nigration    bai'riers.  had   not   given   people   a  chance,   per-
          lowing    an   international     agreement  Refugees   lived   in  pei'manent    insecu-  haps   yorir   grandmother,    grandfatl'ier
          reached   at   the   Intergovernmental  rity   lioruided    from   counti'y   to  coun-  or  a  member    of  tlie   family    might   not
          Conference    on  Identity   Certificates  tiy   because   they   did   not   benefit   from  have   liad   the  life   they   had.  So  let   ris
          for    Russian     Refiigees,     convened  diplomatic    or   consular    protection.  all   stretch   out   a  hand   and   tliink   rather
          by   Nansen   in  Geneva   from   July   3  to  The   Nansen   passport,   was   the   begin-  liow   each   one  of  us  can,   tlmorigh   our
          5,  1922.                          ning   of  humanitarian    legislation.  means,   orir   generosity,    help   tlie   otli-
                                                                                ers.  Nansen   was   there   for   the  otliers.
          However,    this   was   not   the  sole   task    Does   the   situation    seem   familiar?  Are   we?
          that   Nansen   managed.   He  also  suc-    There   are  many  parallels    to  be  drawn,
          ceeded   in   placing   thousands   of   chil-    and   many   things   to  be  said.   {JNHCR  MARIT
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