Page 7 - DIVA_1_2016
P. 7


         your abilities, and just go for it. Also  For example, we have developed and  We are well aware that cyber-crime
         seek out a mentor or advisor in the  deployed enterprise solutions that fa-  and terrorism are ever-growing
         industry and your peers for support.   cilitate sharing information quickly  threats and that protecting the Uni-
                                            and securely. An enterprise resource  ted Nations' data, resources and rep-
         Q:  As  Chief Information  planning system called Umoja—              utation is vitally important. There-
         Technology Officer in the  "unity" in Swahili—is transforming  fore, we have developed an action
         UN, what is your vision?           the way the United Nations manag-  plan and have made significant prog-
         I am a big believer in the transfor-  es its physical, financial and human  ress in strengthening the security and
         mative power of information and  resources. We also have launched a  performance of our network, infra-
         communications technology (ICT).  24/7 global service desk—Unite Ser-  structure and critical applications.
         My vision is that innovation and  vice Desk—for strategic systems and
         technology be fully leveraged to ad-  services. These include Unite Con-  Q:  Finally, how would all
         vance the mission of this great or-  nections and Unite Docs, collabora-  these IT reforms affect
         ganization, from using data to see-  tion tools that are transforming the  the life of those working
         ing things we couldn't see before, to  way we do our jobs. Connections is  with or for the UN around
         providing the latest technologies to  a comprehensive platform that com-  the world?
         our peacekeepers and humanitar-    bines a variety of powerful social  An ICT strategy means a more ef-
         ian aid workers in the field. We must  tools, including communities, fo-  ficient and responsive United Na-
         harness relevant and cutting-edge  rums, wikis, and others. Unite Docs  tions. There are so many talented
         advancements to support the impor-  is a secured enterprise content man-  people who work at the United Na-
         tant work of the United Nations—in  agement system.                   tions. They could take those skills
         peace and security, humanitar-                                        and work anywhere, but they chose
         ian aid, human rights, international  We are also committed to stimulating  to come here because they believe in
         law and sustainable development.  innovation through greater collabo-  the mission. The changes we are put-
         We have an obligation to make the  ration between the United Nations,  ting in place, the services and tools
         world we leave to our children, and  academia, the private sector and  we are providing our global work-
         their children, a better place than it  the general public. Unite Ideas is a  force will allow them to be more
         is today. And we now have the tools  crowd-sourcing platform that issues  agile and mobile, and focus more of
         to make that a reality.            challenges to the global community  their time on making that mission
                                            of data scientists to utilize data ana-  a reality. I truly believe that when
          Q:  The UN is undertaking  lytics and visualization to accelerate  our workforce is better supported
          some huge projects in the  discovery and uncover new knowl-          by modern tools and processes, and
          IT sector. Could you tell  edge. Our first two challenges re-        we are collaborating across bound-
          us a little more about it?        sulted in more than thirty-five open  aries, the whole world, and future
          The United Nations' ICT strategy  source solutions, many of which will  generations will benefit.
         is based on three key foundational  be leveraged by the United Nations
         elements: modernization, transfor-  or shared with Member States.
          mation and innovation. These are
          underpinned by strengthened gover-
          nance and optimized resources. It's a
         five-year roadmap for technology in            "We have an
          the organization and we are only in      obligation to make
         year one, but already there have been
                                                  the world we leave to
          many tremendous accomplishments.
          Obviously, this is a huge undertak-    our children, and their
          ing that very much requires a team         children, a better
          effort, and the level of assistance and
         support we have received throughout     place than it is today.
          the organization has been incredible.   And we now have the
          We have collaborated with colleagues
          around the world to strengthen in-       tools to make that a
          formation security, upgrade ICT in-              reality."
          frastructure, roll out key enterprise
         systems, and streamline and consoli-
          date services globally.

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