Page 23 - DIVA_2_2022
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               for the production of products such as alkyl
               benzene,  butene  and  hexene,  synthetic
               oils,  maleic  anhydride,  emulsion  additives,
               catalysts.  Such  semi-finished  products  are
               widely  used  in  the  chemical  industry,  the
               production of household chemicals, furniture,
               building materials and electrical engineering,
               the textile and leather industries.

               President  of  the  Republic  of  Uzbekistan
 “Uzbekistan GTL” -   Shavkat  Mirziyoyev  noted  that  we  have  big
               plans  in  this  industry.  In  the  future,  the
 a giant plant in the middle of the steppe  demand  for  products  manufactured  here
               will  only  grow.  The  world  is  moving  to  a
               green economy. That is why we must use new
               geophysical equipment and deepen geological
 On  25  December  2021  «Uzbekistan  GTL»  including Germany, Italy, Great Britain, Japan,   research.
 plant  was  opened  in  Kashkadarya  region  of  South  Korea,  Singapore,  USA,  Russia  and
 Uzbekistan.  China. Received 140 international licenses and   The giant plant requires a lot of energy. In this
 patents for the use of technological solutions,   regard,  the  enterprise  is  self-sufficient.  650
 Just a few years ago there was a bare steppe  equipment and processes. Most of them have   million kilowatt-hours of electricity per year
 here.  In  a  short  time,  a  gigantic  plant,  a  no analogues in the world.  will be generated from the steam generated by   President  of  the  Republic  of  Uzbekistan
 chemical  cluster  appeared  on  this  site.  This   the plant’s operation. Thanks to this, the plant   Shavkat Mirziyoyev
 complex marks a new stage in the development  The plant is capable of processing 3.6 billion   provides  itself  with  electricity,  and  can  also
 of  domestic  industry.  Its  construction  was  cubic  meters  of  natural  gas  per  year  and   supply electricity to the Shurtan Gas Chemical
 under  the  constant  attention  of  the  head  of  producing  307  thousand  tons  of  aviation   Complex  and  another  new  enterprise.  The
 Uzbekistan. The President came here and got  kerosene, 724 thousand tons of diesel fuel, 437   saved electricity will be used to supply houses
 acquainted with the progress of work in 2017  thousand tons of naphtha, 53 thousand tons of   and businesses.
 and  2018.  The  construction,  which  did  not  liquefied gas. There is an opportunity to work
 stop even during the pandemic.  in  five  different  modes:  the  plant  is  able  to   The  head  of  state  visited  the  control  room
 adaptively increase the volume of production   of the plant, from where the production and
 The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan  of those products for which more orders have   its  safety  are  controlled  and  monitored.  The
 Shavkat  Mirziyoyev  participated  in  grand  been received.  center employs young people trained by the
 opening  of  the  plant  and  walked  around   American corporation Honeywell.
 the  complex  to  get  acquainted  with  the  As  for  the  economic  effect,  the  plant  will
 technological process.  convert  natural  gas  into  finished  products   “I  am  very  glad  to  see  that  you,  having
 in  high  demand  on  the  world  market,  the   mastered modern knowledge, having studied
 The plant is unique both in terms of investment  cost of which is 3 times higher. In particular,   foreign languages, gaining experience abroad,
 and  scale.  Its  cost  is  $3  billion  420  million,  aviation  kerosene,  which  will  be  produced   are  working  at  such  an  enterprise,”  the
 the area of facilities is 135 hectares. The fact  here, is much cleaner and of a higher quality   President  said  in  an  interview  with  them.  -
 that  more  than  13  thousand  engineers  and  in  comparison  with  the  products  of  other   Your knowledge is your wealth.
 workers were simultaneously involved in the  factories and is intended for the most modern   $290 million to $1.8 billion in 2025, or will
 construction shows how much work has been  aircraft. Diesel fuel also meets high standards   A new enterprise worth $1 billion 800 million  increase 6 times.
 done.  - not less than Euro-6.  will be built next to the Uzbekistan GTL plant.
               By processing 430 thousand tons of naphtha  The  enterprises  of  the  cluster  from  raw
 Prior to that, such large complexes were built  According to the estimates of the International   per  year,  380  thousand  tons  of  polyethylene  materials  worth  $1  will  produce  finished
 in  only  four  countries  of  the  world  -  Qatar,  Energy  Agency,  the  production  of  GTL   and polypropylene will be produced. About a  products with high added value - $10.
 Nigeria, South Africa and Malaysia.  products  in  the  world  will  double  by  2030.   thousand more jobs will be created.
 Therefore, it is planned to increase the output      In Uzbekistan, it is planned to create 5 more
 More than 10 thousand pieces of equipment  of  other  new  types  of  products  with  higher   Thus, the country’s first gas chemical cluster  chemical-technological  clusters  in  Tashkent,
 are installed at the plant, produced by about  added  value.  In  particular,  the  plant  will   will appear in Shurtan. Production volumes in  Navoi,  Fergana,  Bukhara  regions  and  in
 130  leading  enterprises  in  24  countries,  implement  6  projects  worth  $620  million   this cluster will be increased from the current  Ustyurt.

     w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h  w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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