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a land of history
and promise at
Expo 2020 Dubai
David Fernandez Puyana
UPEACE Observer to the United Nations and UNESCO
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Palestine world to see human habitation, agricultural
invited the University for Peace established communities and civilization.
by the United Nations General Assembly
(UPEACE) for a high level visit at the Palestine The visit also allows all visitors to take an
Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai on February elevator ride that’s a simulation of rising high
10th, 2022. The visit was organized by Mr. Ali above the bustling streets of Jerusalem, the
M. Yonis, Ambassador of Palestine in UAE in City of Peace. Also everyone could discover
collaboration with the Palestine Pavilion. opportunities in manufacturing like cement,
textiles, soap, olive-wood goods and food, as
The well-known Palestine outlet called well as, see the sights of Palestine, inhale its
Janobiyat widely informed about this visit aromas and taste its delicious cuisine. Genève : « Il faut aider les Tchadiens pour démocratiser le Tchad ! »
and highligthed that both the President of
Palestine, Mr. Mahmoud Abbas, and Minister Located in the old city of Jerusalem, the visit
of Foreign Affairs of Palestine, Mr. Riad Malki, explains why Al-Aqsa Mosque is the third Interview avec Monsieur
welcomed this visit, as well as, also expressed holiest site in Islam. Modern Muslims believe
its support to the UPEACE mandate. that Muhammad was transported from the Makaila Nguebla
Great Mosque of Mecca to this location during
Represented UPEACE by Ambassador David the Night Journey. Islamic tradition holds that Conseiller Chargé de Mission auprès du Président du Tchad
Fern�ndez Puyana, Permanent Observerer Muhammad led prayers towards this site until
of UPEACE to the United Nations and the 16th or 17th month after his migration C’est une personnalité connue et respectée par aspire à réaliser des prouesses dignes du nom
UNESCO, the visit shows how Palestine is aa from Mecca to Medina. les militants des droits humains dans le monde doit apprendre à surmonter des obstacles,
deeply historic land with ancient buildings. entier que nous avons rencontrée à Genève à parfois importants, et cela a bien été son cas.
Along with its burgeoning tourism, it has a Located in the Expo theme called la 49 session du segment de haut niveau sur Depuis le 20 avril 2021, date à laquelle,
busy manufacturing sector and there are many “Opportunity”, all visitors discover a new and la situation des droits humains dans tous les Mahamat Idriss Deby Itno est désigné,
opportunities for investment. vibrant Palestine. A land of history, future pays du monde. Président du Conseil militaire de transition,
and promise where its people and neighbors la situation au Tchad a changé pour le mieux.
During the visit, visitors discover that the want to live in peace and harmony with Monsieur Makaila Mguebla milite depuis des Le nouveau président a annoncé que le temps
name “Palestine” originally comes from all their brothers and sisters. Based on the années au sein des fora internationaux pour la est venu pour la réconciliation nationale
the word “Philistia,” which refers to the values represented by the United Nations, promotion, la protection et la réalisation des et le développement du pays, et il réunit
Philistines who occupied part of the peace should prevail over fear, hatred and droits humains dans son pays natal, le Tchad. l’intelligence et la sagesse nécessaires pour
region in the 12th century. Throughout violence. Through innovative solutions based Pendant plus de dix ans, cet ancien journaliste solliciter tant la diaspora que les opposants
history, Palestine has been ruled by on dialogue, innovation, empathy, justice and et blogueur dénonçait tout ce qui allait mal internes de l’ancien régime pour qu’ils puissent
numerous groups, including the Assyrians, cooperation, inhabitants of this land will be dans son pays. Son chemin a certes été semé travailler ensemble.
Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romas, able to live and to dream in a better society d’embûches, et il a connu deux périodes d’exil,
Arabs, Turks, Crusaders and Egyptians. plenty of hope for the new generations to ainsi qu’un temps d’asile politique en France. Ce même président est venu à Paris solliciter
The region was among the earliest in the come regardless of faith and religion. Comme on dit souvent, toute personne qui Monsieur Makaila Nguebla pour qu’il
w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
w w w . d i v a i n t e r n a t i o n a l . c h w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h