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International                                         International

 “Simply put, far too many women still   gender-focused  initiatives  targeting  women’s   marketing, as well as some more specialized
 digital  access,  skills  development,  and   courses.  And  of  course,  we’re  very  actively
 lack access to affordable, meaningful
 entrepreneurship.  involved  in  the  UN  Women  Generation
 connectivity which they could harness   Equality movement, co-leading a workstream
 to drive impactful transformation in their   One  example  is  the  EQUALS  global   on  Technology  and  Innovation  with  the
 partnership to bridge the gender digital divide,   governments  of  France  and  Mexico,  and
 local communities, their national economies   co-founded by  ITU along  with  UN  Women,   engaging  our  EQUALS  partners  to  deliver
 – and their own lives.”  ITC,  UN  University  and  GSMA.  In  just  a   on our two collective commitments: working
 few  short  years,  EQUALS  has  built  a  global   with  GSMA,  EY  and  W4  to  deliver  digital
 community  of  over  100  members  spanning   skills training to one million women and girls
 – and that means those on low incomes, the  115 countries. Focused on the four core areas   by 2026; and with UN Women and the ITC to
 elderly,  persons  with  disabilities,  indigenous  of Access, Skills, Leadership and Research, we   provide business and digital skills for 10,000
 populations,  women  and  girls  denied  equal  use  our  combined  reach  to  deliver  targeted   women in the tech sector by 2026.
 opportunities, displaced persons, and more –  training to women and girls worldwide.
 that meant that the world of work, education,   And ahead of our upcoming 4-yearly World
 social interaction, and information exchange,  Complementing this, our annual EQUALS in   Telecommunication Development Conference
 moved  online,  without  their  participation.  Tech Awards throw a global spotlight on the   (WTDC),  we’ve  established  an  ITU-D
 That’s simply not a situation we can continue  many inspiring women and men working to   Network of Women to ensure that our female
 to accept.    bridge  the  gender  digital  divide  all  around   delegates are empowered to take on leadership
 the  world.  One  inspiring  example  from  last   roles in that event, and other important ITU
 The  future  is  digital.  But  right  now,  only  year’s pool of winners is Karina Méndez, an   meetings.  ITU-D  NoW  chapters  are  already
 some  of  us  enjoy  full  digital  citizenship.  I  advisor  with  Microserfin,  the  microfinance   fully up and running in all six ITU regions,
 passionately believe that we all lose out when  institution  of  the  BBVA  Microfinance   guided by our Advisory Board led by Cristiana
 our communities are fragmented into ‘haves’  Foundation  in  Panama.  Equipped  with  the   Flutur, Co-President of Europe’s coordinating
 and ‘have-nots’. That’s why we urgently need to  necessary  confidence,  skills,  and  support,   body  for  national  telecommunications  and
 collaborate, pool our resources, and mobilize  Karina brought safe, inclusive digital services   postal  services,  the  European  Conference  difference  to  our  daily  lives.  But  to  be  truly
 the political will around full digital inclusion,  to the microentrepreneurs she serves through   of   Postal   and   Telecommunications  effective,  standards  development  needs  to
 to ensure that everyone, everywhere, gets the  the creation of an advisory app.  Administrations (CEPT).  be  inclusive,  and  influenced  by  all  players
 chance to fully participate in the digital world     in  the  ecosystem.  That’s  the  aim  of  our
 we are building.   Tech skills can also offer benefits to women in   So,  in  short,  yes,  progress  really  is  being  ‘pre-standardization  studies’  in the Digitalin  the  DigitalDigital
 unexpected ways. For example, App Laudelina   made every day, but we are still not moving  Currency Global Initiative, an open platform, an open platforman open platform

 Q: Women and IT is an issue close to your  – a 2020 EQUALS in Tech Award winner – is   quickly  enough.  That’s  why  I’m  determined  launched by ITU and Stanford University in

 heart.  Has  there  been  any  noteworthy  a  mobile  app  that  offers  access  to  financial,   to  leverage  our  next  WTDC  to  help  forge  2020.
 progress in this field?   rights  and  safety  information  to  Brazilian   new partnerships and collaboration efforts, to
 Yes and no. We’ve seen the gender gap narrow  domestic workers.  reach even more women and girls even faster.  The  initiative  shares  experiences with digital
 in  most  countries,  but  only  one  region  has    currency  applications,  benchmarks  best
 reached actual gender parity – the Americas.  ITU  is  also  successfully  collaborating  with   Q: ITU is currently working on establishing  practices,  and  develops  specifications  to  be
 The most recent ITU data shows that globally,  the  Enhanced  Integrated  Framework  in   guidelines  on  digital  currency.  Could  you  tested and proven in the market as they feed
 57%  of  women  are  using  the  internet,  Ethiopia, Burundi, and Haiti to equip women   tell  us  a  little  more  about  it? Who  would  into ITU’s technical standards development.
 compared to 62% of men. But in the world’s  entrepreneurs working in coffee and tea farms   eventually supervise this currency?   The  initiative  follows  an  ITU  focus  group
 Least  Developed  Countries,  that  picture  is  and  in  the  textile  industry  with  the  digital   Digital currency offers promising ways to make  on  digital  fiat  currency  which  was  active
 much worse, with fewer than 1 in 5 women  skills and innovation they need to take their   transactions more secure and cost-effective. It  from  2017 to 2019, and which delivered  to  2019, and which delivered2019,  and  which  delivered
 using  the  internet,  compared  with  almost  1  products and services to market. These are the   also  has  great  potential  to  increase  financial  a  set  of  recommended  design  principles
 in 3 men. Simply put, far too many women  kinds of efforts we need to scale, to make a   inclusion  for  the  unbanked.  That’s  why  ITU  for  central  bank  digital  currency  (CBDC)
 still  lack  access  to  affordable,  meaningful  leap – what US FCC chair Jessica Rosenworcel   is  currently  looking  to  develop  technical  as  well  as  a  reference  architecture  for  the
 connectivity  which  they  could  harness  to  called a ’digital leap’.  standards to help tap into this opportunity on  different implementations of CBDC for retail,
 drive impactful transformation in their local   a global scale.  wholesale, and cross-border payments.
 communities, their national economies – and  We are also excited to be joining hands with   This work continues in the Digital Currency
 their own lives.  the  Women’s  Entrepreneurship  Accelerator   Agreed  international technical standardss  Global Initiative, but with a broader scope to
 and  Mary  Kay  cosmetics  on  a  high-quality   are  vital  to  ensuring  the  security  and  consider  all  types  of  digital  currency.  Work
 We need to work harder to change this picture  women’s  digital  skills  training  programme,   interoperability necessary for digital currency  is  organized  into  three  groups,  studying
 – and that’s why ITU has a growing number of  covering areas like cybersecurity and digital   to  earn  our  trust  and  make  a  meaningful  architecture,  interoperability  and  use  cases;
     w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h  w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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