Page 11 - DIVA_2_2022
P. 11

International                                         International

 would like to stay at home and work remotely.  Q: Do you collaborate with UNESCO?  person  doing  programming  and  strategic   “We should be in the United Nations because
 My staff and I discussed it, and we said that  Of  course!  UNESCO  leads  our  work  in   development. If you have a weak link in that
 we are a crisis fund. So, if the house is on fire  Lebanon. They are doing great work! When the   house, it can drag the rest down.  we have an unaverred desire to deliver on
 we go into the fire. With this Covid we went  explosion took place in Beirut, UNESCO was   the United Nations Charter, serve humanity
 into these countries, we put our masks on, we  the fastest responder and became a partner for   Here  I  have  really  worked.  I  have  brought   and make the world a better place.”
 got  our  vaccines,  followed  the  protocol  for  us. They received a major investment together   in  motivational  speakers,  some  of  the  best
 social  distancing  and  we  went  to  Lebanon,  with others.  motivational  speakers  in  the  United  States.
 to the Sahel, to Afghanistan, to the Rohingya   We have a library of great books on efficiency,
 in the midst of Covid 19. We are not going to  Whenever we see the competitive advantage,   motivational  speakers,  thinking  big,  having
 run away even if there is a crisis. We go into  through  the  coordination  mechanism,  we   a  vision.  The  United  Nations  Charter  is  on
 a crisis.  work  closely  with  UNESCO,  as  we  do  with   our  walls  –  understanding  why  the  United   I  think  we  should  never  be  in  the  United
 UNICEF, UNHCR or WFP, as well as a number   Nations  was  created,  trying  to  reduce  ego.   Nations  for  selfish  reasons.  We  should  be
 Of course, when member states and donors see  of civil society organizations. There is not a   We do not allow gossiping; we do not allow   in  the  United  Nations  because  we  have  an
 this, this gives them another incentive to say,  single  United  Nations  agency  on  education   internal  conflicts.  We  do  not  have  time  for   unaverred  desire  to  deliver  on  the  United
 “Education Cannot Wait delivers even when  or education-related that we don’t work with.   that.  Everybody  is  absorbed  and  passionate,   Nations  Charter,  serve  humanity  and  make
 everything  else  breaks  down  and  collapses.  For instance, we work with the World Food   driven  by  the-sky-is-the-limit  of  the  United   the  world  a  better  place.  As  a  German
 Education Cannot Wait, they are not staying  Programme.  Do  they  do  education?  No  but   Nations Charter, the Universal Declaration of   philosopher, Goethe, once said, if you make a
 at home.”  they do school feeding. Great!  Human Rights, and the SDGs.  commitment, the universe conspires to assist
                                                      you. We also say that if you are working very
                                                      hard and you are kind - kindness is important
 I also think that this is one of the reasons that  Q: It is all very impressive. How many hours a   I think what we are doing in Education Cannot
 we  are  getting  more  and  more  recognition.  day do you work?  Wait  can  be  done  across  the  entire  United   – then, amazing things will happen. We are
 We are a very fast-growing fund. Our donors  Well  in  the  beginning,  when  you  build   Nations system. I have seen it in other teams   living that now.
 told us in the last Executive Committee that  something  from  the  scratch,  you  probably   where I worked. We just have to think very big
 Education Cannot Wait started out as a two-  work 15 to 16 hours a day. You have no choice,   because we have massive suffering to alleviate.   Upon these points and this positive news, we
 seater  plane  and  today  it’s  a  jumbo  jet  with  and you face a lot of challenges. Building, and   We  have  to  de-bureaucratize  ourselves  and   leave Ms Sherif run off to her next meeting and
 over two billion dollars mobilized or leverage,  building  credibility,  you  can  only  do  so  by   step  out  of  our  small  box.  We  have  to  look   wish her and her team more success stories to
 and we haven’t even turned 5 years yet.  results. It takes time.  fear in the face, and remember the fear felt by   share with us in the future.
               the children and youth in their communities,
 Q: Congratulations!  It  also  takes  time  to  build  a  winning  team.   in these countries. And finally, not the least,
 It’s team-work where everybody is collective  Everybody  has  to  be  on  the  same  wave-  we grow as human beings. If we change, the
 – ODA donors, private sector, governments,  length. The person dealing with finances and   United  Nations  will  blossom.  It  is  already
 United  Nations  agencies,  civil  society,  operations  has  to  be  at  the  same  frequency   doing so in many parts. I see great colleagues
 communities, children. It is all of us.  as  the  person  doing  advocacy  and  the   across the United Nations.

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