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               “Back then, out of the humanitarian funding,          to  give  results.  I  think  that’s  what  we  offer.           look forward to doing the same with Martin  partners  are  invited  to  join,  and  we  outline
               only 2.1 percent went to education. This begs         It is a very good example of how the United                      Griffiths. So, he created it, and I was appointed  strategic  plans  of  Education  Cannot  Wait,
                                                                                                                                      to build and lead it.
                                                                                                                                                                             and  what  we  expect  as  an  outcome,  and
                                                                     Nations really delivers.
               question: is this what, we would invest in the                                                                                                                then  they  embark  on  the  assessment  in  the
                              education of our own children?”        So yes, sometimes it takes two years, sometimes                  Q: Education is the basis for everything. How  country,  they  develop  the  joint  programme.
                                                                     it happens over a meeting. It all depends, but                   do you choose your partners on the ground?  “Who has the competitive advantage?” “You
                                                                     most of them have been members of Education                      Through  the  United  Nations  Coordination  are better at school feeding...” Then you might
                                                                     Cannot Wait for a long time, while others are                    Mechanisms under the Resident/Humanitarian  have one programme with five, six or seven
                               United  Nations  Secretary  General  Antonio   coming on board every year.                             Coordinator  and  the  Inter-Agency  System,  different  actors  working  hand  in  hand.  The
                               Guterres  also  uses,  “Less  bureaucracy,  more                                                       that is how you remove the conflict-of-interest  humanitarians do a quick response and then
                               accountability,” and we really try to live by it.  Q:  Education  Cannot  Wait  –  was  it  your       element. You have in a country two sorts of  the development actors do the medium- and
                               We  have  slashed  all  the  redundant   idea?                                                         coordination mechanisms in a disaster crisis.  long-term investment. That’s the humanitarian-
                               bureaucracy, and kept that which is required   This idea belongs to the former Prime Minister          One is the cluster system which goes under an  development nexus in one programme! Then
                               for  financial  management  and  transparency.   of  Great  Britain,  The  Hon.  Gordon  Brown         OCHA  inter-aid  standing  committee.  They  we put in seed funds, 25 millions – 45 million.
                               We are focusing on results and action, and we   who is the United Nations Special Envoy for            have  a  cluster  for  education  that  cooperates  The  total  cost  of  the  programme  might  be
                               are very agile. We go out to these countries;   Education. He is the chair of the High-Level           with the cluster for cooperation, and a cluster  200 million. Then we mobilise in-country or
                               we  are  not  a  fund  that  sits  in  headquarters   Steering  Group.  He  came  up  with  this  idea   for water and sanitation. It is the Humanitarian  outside  means,  to  find  the  remaining  $155-
                               and  open  envelopes.  We  go  out  and  make   years ago. He has always been very passionate          Coordinator that leads that process. When you  175  million.  We  use  all  avenues  to  bring  in
                               the  Unite  Nations  and  the  NGOs  work   about  education.  He  realised  that  there  was          have refugee situations, the High Commission  resources. We see ourselves as a catalytic fund
                               together with host-governments. We use the   too much bureaucracy and that we could not                for  Refugees  coordinates  the  situation,  so,  to  help  our  colleagues,  host  governments,
                               United  Nations  coordination  mechanisms   move in a crisis. There was also the realisation           it  all  depends  on  the  context.  For  example,  communities  on  the  ground,  families  and
                               that have been in place for decades, and we   that refugees – you may wait for 15 to 20 years          if  I  go  to  Uganda,  where  we  have  a  major  children to get resources on the ground. We
                               pursue implementation of the UN Secretary-  to  get  an  education  because  humanitarian              refugee and education plan, UNHCR helps us  do  not  take  resources  for  ourselves  because
                               General’s Reform. So, it is a whole new way   priorities are very different. Tents – yes they’re       coordinate that together with other agencies,  we are only 31 staff. We are just operating at
                               of working! We bring in everybody to work   important. They’ll get education even though               donors  and  civil  society.  We  are  running  a  minimum. As long as we have our salaries and
                               together through joint programming. We are   it’s  not  part  of  the  humanitarian  response,         massive  education  response  plan  there  for  are able to travel and be the convener, that’s it!
                               very strict on results and quality. You must be   but they will wait 20, 30 years or even longer.      South Sudanese refugees, children and youth.  We do not want a big bulky bureaucracy. That
                               when  you  have  a  major  actor  like  Germany   Look at Afghanistan. So, he said, “This is not       It  was  also  among  the  first  ones,  then  came  is what makes it so exciting. We are not here to
                               or the United Kingdom, which is our second   OK. Education has to be part of the response.”            Afghanistan  and  Lebanon.  Now  we  have  24  build an empire but to empower!
                               largest donor, or the Scandinavian countries,   Back then, out of the humanitarian funding,            multi-year joint programmes and investments
                               like Denmark or Norway, and then of course   only 2.1 percent went to education. This begs             in 43 crisis countries.                Q; How has the Covid pandemic influenced
                               Canada and the EU and others. What they see,   question: is this what, we would invest in the                                                 your work?
                               year in year out, is results, accountability. They   education  of  our  own  children?  The  answer   If  you  have  internally  displaced  persons,  Well, it is challenging because children cannot
                               have  decision-maker  power.  We  are  in  this   is:  of  course  not!  He  said  we  have  to  raise   then it is the Humanitarian Cluster that leads  go  to  school,  social  distancing  and  all  that
                               together. Of course, they would want to invest.   investment  funds,  which  we  did,  working         the  coordination.  Through  that  process,  we  comes with it. So, we have a choice, because
                               They invest because they know that it’s going   closely with OCHA and Mark Lawcock. We                 organise  meetings  where  all  the  different  most  of  us  in  the  international  community

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