Page 25 - DIVA_2_2008_No.33
P. 25
cardii'ial in tlie clunch. Pci'i'nanent Observer Mission obtaiyi ftu'tlxci' infoi:inatioir
of tlie Order of Malta ASSOCIATION HELAIE-
We clect our Grand Master 3, Place C]apai'0dc TIQTTE (7 96 ),
and tlie Pope takes note of it. CH 120S Geneve 34, i'oute de Sonzier,
The Pope's representative to T6j: +41.22.346.86.87 1822 Cheinex,
tlie Order is also a cardinal. Fax.' +41.22.347.08.61 Tel/Fax: + 41.21.963.38.91
We are vei'y close to tlie Einail: inission.oidei'- E-inail: gillesdeweck
Vatican in tliat sense. Of inalta@tics.itu.iiit @-bluewin.cli
course, the Holy See has its littp://www.inissionoi'dcrof- Web:
owi'i network, but it is not a inalta.oig/UNGcneva/ www.inaltcsei'
hrunanitai'iai'i institution like The Chdei"s official website:
the Order of Malta. littp://wixiw.oidei'ofinalta.ozg
The Order is invohved in tlie In Switzei'land there is an
inter-religioris dialogue tliat association where you can
tbc previous Pope laui'iclicd. It
is a veiy ii'npoitant issue, but
tliis takes place iii Rome and
not in Geneva. Qriite a lot of
Olir aCflVlTleSconcerll PLACES
tliat are not necessarily
Cliristian. For instance, in
Aceli we rebuilt a n'iosqrie
after tlie Tsunaini, and in tlie
Soutliem Lebanon we work
very closely witli a well
laqown Shiite foundation. We
work witli inany local NGOs.
irrespective of tlie religious
Q: We do not hear a lot
about the Order?
Yes, tliat's ti'ue. We do not
draw inedia attention eveiy
day, nor do we liave a big
comrminications mad'iinery.
lt is an area we are working
hard to iinprove, particularly
since we need to increase
fund-raisingfor orir lirojects,.
Organizations in tlie
hrimanitarian field, SIICII as
IOM, know about us, but tl'ie
general public-as you
suggest-does not.
We encotirage tlie national AIJCADI S
associations to liave websites
so tliat people cai'i locate
infoi'n'iation about ris and orir
activities. I also spend qriite a (8 HYunORl <> SSANGYONG
lot of my tiine informing iny
colleagues aborit our work,
since tliey do not always
lcnow wlio we arc and what
we do.
ALCADIS Rh6ne a Rte du Pont-Butin 14 a T 022 879 03 33
Q: If people want to
ALCADIS Carouge ii Ch de la Marbrerie 10 a T 022 343 00 20
contact you, can they do
www alcadis a www
2 2008 Diva 23