Page 23 - DIVA_2_2008_No.33
P. 23

Tlien,   of  corirse,   tlie   i'iglits   to  Tliei'i    thcre    are    corinti'y
                                                                food   and   access   to   safe  situations.    We   attended    the
                                                                drinlciiig   water   and  sanitation  special   sessions   on  Myanmar,
                                                                are  veiy   impoitant   as they  Darfur,    Lebanon    and   the

                                                                are  essential    to  liealtli   arid  Palestinian    Tei'ritories.    We
                                                               well   being.   As   we  liave   been  liave   hrimanitarian    activities
                                                               workiiig    a  great   deal   in  these  ii'i   all  of   tliose  areas,  wl'iicli
                                                               fields,   we  are   interested   iii  mean   tl'iat  we   follow   tliese
                                                               tliese    subjects    too.    Tlie  debates   as  well.
                                                               Human   Riglits   of  Migi'ants   is  Sometin'ies   I  take   tlie   floor   in
                                                               another    subject   we   follow,  an  inter-active   dialogue   on  a
                                                               especially   in  liglit   of  a recent-  specific  stl>ject   or inake  a sta-

                                                               ly  concluded   a co-operation  tement   in  tlie  general   debate,
                                                               agreei'i'ient   with   IOM.   Then  dependiiig   on  wliat   is  inost
                                                               comes   tlie   elimination    of
              tlie   Magistral    Villa   on   tlie  protection    and   defence   of  approliriate.
                                                               violence   against   women.   We
              Aventiite   Hill.       luunan   dignity,   so  this  is  tlie

                                                               liave   a number   of   projects   iii  Q:  Are   you   active    only   in
                                      link   to  luunan   i'iglits.   If   we
                                                               tlie  Democratic   Repriblic   of  developing     countries
              Q:  Would    you   say   that   it  paiticipate    in  tlie   work   of   tlie
              is  mainly    a  humanitarian  Hriman   Rights   Corincil,   it  is  Congo  wl'iere we liroyide   help  where   there   are   human
                                                               to  woinen   victims   of  rape  and  rights    issues?
              organization?           because   tliere   are  a  number   of
                                                               aggi'essioi'i   who   are  suffering
                                      subjects   tliat   directly   iiifluen-
                                                               fi'oin   tlie  terrible   conseqrien-  No,   we   are  active   in  more
              It   remains   a  lay/religious  cc  orir   work.   We  l'iave  a  long
                                                               ces  of  sexual   violence.  tlian   120  coruth'ies   arorind   the

              order   as it  always   was-tliat  list   of  tl"ien'i  since   tlie  Cormcil
                                                                                       world.   For   instaiice,   we  have
              lias   not   clianged.   We   liave  fii'iislied   just  last  week.    For
                                                               We  are  also  concei'ned   aborit  a. lot   of   prqjects   iit  Gei'inany

              botli   lay  and  religious   mem-  instance,   anytliing   to  do  witli
                                                               the    riglits    of    intemally  wliere    we    nu'i    liospitals,
              bers  in  tlie   Ordei'.   Tlie   original  healtli   is veiy   iii'ipoitant    for

                                                               displaced    persons,   becarise  homes   for  tlie   elderly,   etc.  Our
              inission   is  cxactly   tlie  saine:  ris.  So  yori   liave   a  Special
              TUITIO    FIDEJ   ET   OBS-  Rappoiterir   on  the  Riglit   of  we  liave  joiiit   prolects   based  biggest   national   associations
                                                               on  agreements   with   UNHCR  are  to  be  found   iii   Eirope   and
              EQUIUM    PAUPERUM    -  everyoi'ie   to  tlie  enjoyment    of
                                                               for   tlie   benefit   of  refugees   and  tlie   United   States.
              defence   of  tlie   faith   and  assis-  tl'ie    liigliest     attainable
                                                               internal)y     displaced
              tance   to  tlie   poor,   tlie   sidc   and  standard    of   pliysical     and
                                                               persons.   We   worked    qriite  Q:    How    does     the
              tlie  suffering-tliis    has  not  inental    care  wliidi    ii'icludes
                                                               actively    with    tlieii'i   in   tlie  organization    work?
              clianged   over  900   years.   Wbal  tlie   riglit    to   public   healtli,
                                                               Great   Lakes   Regioi'i   ofAfi'ica,
              lias  changed   over   tlie  centu-  n'iedical    care    and    social

                                                               iii   the  Balkans   and   also   in  We  have   a small   goven'unent
              ties   is  tliat   tlie   Order   l'ias  adap-  sei'vices.   In  tlic   same   area,  we
                                                               Asia,   wliere   tlie   rigl'its   of  wliidi   is  based  in  Roi'iqe.  Tlie
              ted  itself  and  contii'iues   to  do,  l'iavc   for   a  long  tin'ie   been
                                                               intemally    displaced    persons  liead   of  the  Order   is  the  Grand
              but  Clbistian   values   and  tlie  involved   in  tlie  fight   against
                                                               arc  veiy   sh'ongly   involved.  Master.   He  is  elected   ainong
              luunanitarian    principles    of  malaria    and    hibercrilosis
                                                                                       the  religioris   members   of   tlie
              iinpaitiality    and  independen-  througl'i   on-going   huinanita-
                                                              As   tlie   figlit   agaii'ist  poveity   is  Order-for    life,   jrist   like   tlie
              ce  remain   the  foruidation    of  t'ian lirogran'unes   in Afi'ica

                                                               at the  lieart   of  the   Order's   mis-  Pope.
              its  work.   The   Order   today   still  and    Asia.    Leprosy     also
                                                               sion,   we   are  concerned    by
              lias  liospitals,   medical   centres  belongs   to  orir  main   areas  of
                                                              luunan   riglits   aiid   extreme  There    are    four    main
              and  is  involved   in  helpiiig   the  interest-tl'ie    eradication    of
                                                              poverty.   Furtl"iei'n'iore,   tlie   era-  miiiistries   in  orir   govei'nment:
              poor   in  many   counti'ies   and  in  leprosy   lias  been  on  tlie   WHO
                                                              dication   of   poveily   is  one  of  the  Grand   Chancellor,   whose
              providing    einergency    assis  agenda   for   some   time   ai'id  we
                                                              tlie    eigl'it    Millennirun  office   iiicludes   those  of   tlie
              tai'ice-all     of  wliid'i    tliey  have  beeii  concemed   by   tliis
                                                              Developinent     Goals,   so  we  nunistries   of   tl'ie  Tntei-ior   and
              perforined    in  earlier   ages,  but  matter   for   many   cenhiries
                                                              are  iiwolved    in  conti-ibutiiig    to  of  Foreign   Affairs   w'tli   the
              on  a  different   scale  and  in  a  already.   It  lias  now   also  been
                                                              acliieving   this  goal.  Tlien,   of  diplomatic    service;   the  Grand
              differei'it   enviroi'unent.  broright   up   at    tlie   Hun'ian
                                                              corirse,    freedom     of  Hospitaller    is  in   fact   orir
                                      Riglits   Council   because   of  tlie
                                                              opinion   and  expression    and  Minister    of  Health,   Social
              Q:   The    Order    of   Malt  disci'imination    against   people
                                                              the  elimination    of  all  fonns   of  Affairs,   Huinanitarian    Action
              has   permanent    observer  witli    )eprosy    and    their
                                                              intolerance     based    on  and    Inteniational     Co-
              status     in    the    United  families.   Japan  is  tlie  corinhy
                                                              religion   or  belief   are  subjects  operation   and  Development;
              Nations.    Does   this   imply  tliat   is mainly    beliii'id    tl-iis

                                                              we  follow   closely,   not  least  tl'ie  Receiver   of   the  Coininon
              that    you    are    also  initiative.    People   who   are
                                                              becarise   we   are   a  i'eligioris  Treasure   is  tlie   Minister    of
              involved    in  human    rights  affected  by  lel:irosy   are arito-

                                                              order.   We   sti'ongly    believe  Finance;     and    tlie    Grand
              and   other    activities?  matically     discriminated
                                                              that   eveiybody    l'ias  tl'ie riglit  to  Coi'i'unander     is  in  cliargc   of
                                      against    as   tliey    are
                                                              practice   fi'eely   tlieir   own   reli-  religious   aspects.
              Chir   basic    i'nission    is   to  considered   as contagioris   and

                                                              gion,   inclriding   tlie   riglit   to
              guarantee    people's    liriinan  ruiable   to  worlc   anyinore.   It  is
                                                              change   one's   religion-a  Tlie    Order's    organizations
              dignity.    Hriinan   rigl'its   are  a  in  tliis   liglit   tliat   tlie  I-hunan
                                                              view   tliat   is  not  sliared   by  all  worldwide    are  responsible   for
              necessai'y    ineans    for    tlie  Rights   Corincil   will   lOOk  iiito
                                                              n'ien'ibers   of  the  Corincil!  cariying   orit  its  activities.   We
                                      tlie   inatter.
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