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ly  to  building   bridges   among  an  eye-opener   to  us.   It  has  these   places   many   among  The  intemational    coinmunity

              cultures.               become   a justification    for  Arab    populaces    believe   the  is a loose  temi.   Among   the
                                      stereotyping    the  Arabs,   for  official  Arab   reaction   is  inade-  international    community    there
              Q:   So  are   you   encoura-  attacking     the    Arabs    and  quate.   The   reaction   did  not  are  those   who   are  fair.  There
              ging   your   colleagues?  Moslems   and  to  create   animo-  meet  people's   expectations,  are  some   who   know   the  facts
                                      sity   and  aggravating   tensions.  i.e.,  facing   the  other   side  and  and  do  not   buy   the  prevailing
             I'm   encouraging   my   countiy-  Then   of   course  there  is  the  telling   them:   "You   are   -  viewpoints    in  the  media   about
             men,  my   fellow   Arabs,   to  dig  geostrategic   package   that   has  ging   our  rights   and  our  resour-  the  Arab   and  Moslem   worlds.
             up  their   history   and   to  show   it  been   wrapped   into   the  whole  ces."  Then   certain   groups   took  But   at   the   same   time   in

             to  the  world   and  to  engage  enterprise     of    war    on  it  in  their   own   hands;  they  Geneva,   I often   sense  some
             positively    with   the  rest  of   the  terrorismlI  resorted   to  uncalculated   and  kind    of   bias   and  prejudice
             world   on  this  issue.   In  is                unauthorized-and    somet'rnes-  about   Arab   causes  and  rnisun-
             way,   the   world   will   know   that  Remember   that  the  clash  of  irresponsible    acts  (9/11);   and  derstandings   aboutArab    cultu-
              our  culture,   our  religion,   our  civilizations    was  created  in  the  they   tried   to    cloak   such  re-about    the  good   things   we
              civilization    does  not  promote  West.   I  think   what   contributed  irrespoit,ible    deeds   with   ill-  have.  I  hope  that   the  intema-
             hate   or  violence,    but  rather  to  9/11  was  the book   The   clash  conceived   ideologies   combi-  tional    community    will    not
             favours   tolerance,   respect   of  of   civikatiom    by  Professor  ned  with   fnistration    and  they  look   at  our  region   tbrough   a
             life,   respect   for  the  rights   of  Hiu'itington,    whom  I happento  went   to   extreme.   Thus,   by  third   party's   eyes,  but  will   try
             others,   dialogue,   and  coexis-  have   met   at  my   stay   at  Arab   states  you  have  had  a  to   see  for   itself   (visit    and
             tence.                   Harvard   University    Center   for  weak   reaction   to  the  challen-  study)   in  order   to  appreciate
                                      International     Affairs.     The  ges  which   led  or  resulted   in  a  the  richness   and   hospitality    of
             Q:  When   the   war   against  theory   of   The  clash   of  civiliza-  popular   reaction   has  taken   a  our   culture.
             terrorism       started  tiom   became   very   popular   in  violent,   unguided   and  counter-
             following    9/11,   do   you   feel  the  mid   1980s.   You   know   this  productive    fomi.   That  is  where  I  hope  that  Geneva   and  the
             that   the   Arabs    have   been  doctrine    had  preceded    9/11  the  irnbalance   lies.   There   is  no  Human   Rights   Council   really
             victimized?              more   than   a  decade   earlier   and  proper  Arab   or  Muslim   strate-  will   reconsider   their   views   of
                                      more   or  less  in  my   personal  gy  towards   the  West;   I  do  not  the   Arab   and   the   Muslim
             I  think   that   when   9/11  occur-  opinion    contributed     to   this  say Westem   colonialism,    but  it  world,   and   not   look    at    it
             red   the   whole   world    was  catastrophic   event  in  history.  is  rather   close   at  least   from   the  through   the  book  by   Professor
             initially    taken   by  surprise.   Of  But   people   do  not  pay   atten-  ordingy    man's   point   of   view.  Huntington   or tbrough  the  pro-

             course,   the  entire   world   was  tion   to  that.  People   say  9/11  It  is  a trag'ic  sihiation.   The  Israeli   media.   I  hope   they   will
             shocked  and  the  majority    sym-  created   the  notion   of   clash   of  Arab   order   was  very   nascent  see who  we  really   are,   the

             patbized   with   the  American  civilization.    One   can   safely  and  fragile   when  the  Cold  War  generosity   of   our  people,   the
             people.   It was  terrible.   But  as  it  suggest   that   it  is  the  other   way  ended.   It   could    not   wither  rich   culture   we  represent,   and
             evolved   and  a  global   war   on  around.     away   the   strategic   pressures  the  just   causes  we  are  espou-
             terrorism    doctrine   was   pro-               that   have   been   applied   against  sing.
             mulgated    and   implemented  Q:  Do   you   see   a  solution  it since  Iraq's   trag'ic   occupation
             many    things    changed.  to   this   clash?   of   Kuwait   in  1990.   What   we  I  feel  that  that   there  is  some
             America's    tragedy   and  pain                 are  witnessing   is  the  opening  kind    of  depreciation    of  the
             has  been   made   global.   So  did  First   of  all,  I  do  not   believe   in  of  Pandora's   box   by   the  inva-  Arab   world,   and  I  hope  that
             the  mistakes   that   accompanied  a  clash   of   civilizations    per  se  sion   and  occupation   of  Iraq   in  enlightened   people   will   ques-
             the  war   on  terrorism.   We  did  and  in  pure  culhiral   terms.   I  2003  as  King  Abdullah    n  had  tions   the  things   they  have  been
             not   understand-and    we  could  believe   in  every  huinan   endea-  wamed   against   a  few   months  heaig    and   seek  to   double
             not  imagine-that     somebody  vour  there   is  an  aspect   of  com-  prior   to  that   date.   This   is  hut-  check  them.   I  also  invite   them
             somewhere   would   be  ready   to  petition   and  tbis  competition  ting   the  Arab   people.   So  I  do  to visit  Jordan  and  inpariicular
             use  this   terrible   event   in  order  can  be  positive   or  negative.   I  not  think   there  is  a clash   of  Petra,  Jerash,   Wadi   Rum   and

             to  indict   a  whole   nation   and  a  tbink   what   we  have  is  aggra-  civilizations,    but   rather   a  clash  the  Dead   Sea,
             whole    religion.     Nobody,  vated   political   competition    on  of  interests   due  to  competition
             expected   that   someone,   espe-  a  strategic   level.   We  have  an  -wMch    is  expected.   But   tbis
             cially   in  the  West,   where   the  encroachment    on   the  Arab-  clash   of  interests   has  not   been
             rule  of   law  usually   prevails  Muslim   domain,   which   was  managed   properly-neither
             and  where   the  principle   that  not   met   with   the  adequate   and  on  the  Arab   side  nor  on  the
             everybody    is  innocent   until  comtnensurate   reaction   from  West's   side.  Multiple    geo-stra-
             proved   otherw'se,   hold   supre-  the  official   Arab   system.   I'm  tcgjc,   historical    and  cultural
             me  that   people   would   hastily  here   criticizing    the   official  factors   are   intertwined     and
             jump   to  indict   a whole   culture,  Arab   order;  the  whole   Arab  juxtaposed    upon   each   other   to
             a  whole   race,  a  religion   or  a  political     systenn    did    not  produce   the  cutrent  malaise   on
             nation.   Unfortunately,    what  respond   appropriately   to  the  the  intemational    scene  and  in
             we  see  now   is  that   somebody  challenges   coining   from   the  the Middle  Eastregion   specifi-
             is  using   the  mistakes   of  a  few  Eastern   and  Western   circles   in  cally.
             to   penalize   the   entire   Arab  terms   of  encroacbment    on
       accuse   or  cali-  resources   of   the  Arab   World.  Q:    Do    you    have    a

             ze  a whole   nation,   a  whole  Look    at    Palestine,    Iraq,  message     for    the
             religion.   This   has  now  become  Somalia,   Sudan,   etc.;   in   all  intemational    community?
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