Page 17 - DIVA_2_2008_No.33
P. 17
much a westem, liberal docu- socio-cultural and historical Even in the Universal
ment. But this does not distract contexts, but these are limited Declaration and the
from its relevance. It merely ones-not very significant. Charter of the {JN,
leaves some room for varia- aphis should not be an issue. regional arrangements
tion and interpretation in cer- are encouraged.
tain areas. Of course, everytbing can be Secondly, it's iinpor-
assumed to have a "huinan tant that States with a
First, all cultures andreligions, right" angle and this is hue as regional or cultural
without exception, demand long as the huinan being is at entity have their own
that the right of life and seciu'i- the centre of political activity. docuinents so that
ty, the right to property, free- The concept of rights is com- national courts can
dom of conscience are respec- plex. The principle of rights take these rights into
ted, that human dignity is itself in legal and actual consideration. The
respected, that the integrity of context is sometixnes too High Commissioner
the person is upheld-in parti- broad, but the concept of encourages them.
cular, in Cbffstianity, peace, huinan rights, I think, if we
love, etc. In Islain, it is toleran- want to be fair and objective, Q: One ambassa-
ce, peace and respect for life. is not vague-but is robust. dor once told me that that essential to stability and deve-
In the Koran it is written: "We There are recognized basic Arab States are less lopment in national societies.
created man as a dignified rights as contained in articles aware of human rights? So work in this field is always
creature." Man is the most 1, 3 & 5 of the '[JDHR (1948) a pleasure and a satisfaction. I
dignified of all creatures, and and there are other rights that On the contrary, we have well- have been to Darfiir and I have
Islam forbids the kiuing of the stem from implications of the established codes of honour seen the situation of the inter-
human person except under those rights. that respect prisoners of war, nally displaced persons (IDPs)
tbree well-defined conditions: the weak, women, children, and the refugee camps.
in self-defence, in defence of Q: TheArab States propo- etc. hi our traditional culture, Helping the helpless and
yourhonour or of your proper- sed their own Declaration injust'ce, despotism, extrajudi- involved in rectifying mista-
ty, and as a punisbinent for of Human Rights. What is cial killing, etc. are forbidden. kes...redressing an injustice is
deliberate manslaughter while all this about? When the second Khalif Omar politically and professionally
there is no forgiveness from sent a Moslem anny abroad rewarding and morally
the relatives of the victim. If SevenArab States have initial- from A5azeera (the Arab satisfying.
one person is killed in a way led this document. Seven Peninsula), he instnicted
that is not described in the signatures were necessag for them: not to kill non-comba- We can mention the experien-
Book, it's as if you killed the it to enter into force, and seven tants, not to kill women, not to ce of the Iraqis who fled to
whole of huinanity. Arab States have indeed rati- cut a tree, not to attack reli- Jordan, who were in need of
fied it. So it entered into force gious persons or anybody many things. You do not see
Human rights did not start in March 2008. Actually, it is unless they attack you, and not one refugee camp in Jordan,
with the Universal Declaration more or less identical to the to hurt a prisoner-it is there- because they live among the
of Hiunan Rights, even though Universal Declaration of fore strange to hear is state- Jordanians. We do not even
there are some people who Human Rights in many ment. call them 'refugees'. The inter-
would like to tt so. We are respects, with few minor national community has provi-
aware that there are some modifications that take into Q: On a personal note, ded some help, but it's insuffi-
mainstream supporters, the account the specificities of the what is so exciting for cient. As the High
seculars, who would like to Arab socio-cultural context. you about human rights Cominissioner for Refugees
see the concept of huinan and the Human Rights said, help from the inter-
rights outside the context of Otherwise, it is identical to all Council? national cornrnunity is
culhu'e or religion. Yes, we other international conven- insignificant compared with
recognize their intentions and tions and nomis that outlaw Those of us involved in diplo- the achial needs of those
fl'iey are basically good. But toriure and protect the indivi- macy deal with so many diffe- refugees. The Jordanians, the
we can also see within all cul- dual, preserve the sanctity of rent issues. But when we deal Syrians and other Arabs are
tures that there are strong tri- the self, guarantee freedom of w'th human rights it touches accominodating them. This
butaries, strong streams of expression, freedom of uponindi'viduals' liyes andthe giyes you a sense of
fiu'idatnental principles of cul- worship, the right to food, the things that are important to the satisfaction.
jute and huinan rights for the right to development, the right physical well being of peo-
individual: the sanctity of indi- to life and security, the right of ple...their moral worth. At the same time, there are
viduals; their property; their association, the right to Today, you have the privilege diplomats who deal with
dignity, their freedom of cons- expression, the right to fomi of defending people who you actual situations, with munda-
cience and belief, freedom of political parties. It's ahnost cannot see, but one day you or ne issues, who are sometimes
movement. There are other 99% identical to the universal somebody close to you might in contact with conflicts and
rights that are by iinplication norms and principles of be in that same situation. who have to act with passion
of these fundamental rights human rights. Huinan rights are vital to and compassion, although not
and due process of law, etc. humanity, to world peace, to emotionally of course. We
There are some reinterpreta- Q: So why was it neces- harmony and iu'iderstanding sometimes see the difference
tions of some rights in the sary to create it? among people...they are in intemational politics. We
2 2008 Diva 15