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P. 15

Council.    This   was   quite   a
             success.   We  engaged   all   inter-
             ested  parties   in  very   intense
             bilateral     and    multilateral
             consultations    and  ended   with
             the  text   that   enjoyed   the  sup-
             port   of  all  stakeholders.

             The   last   tg    I  would   like   to
             mention   here   in  terms   of   our
             activities     concerning     the
             Human   Rights   Council   is  our
             recent   election   campaign   for
             the   Advisory     Con'imittee.
             Again,   it  was  a  very   long   and
             rewarding     campaign.     The
                                              "'i'          !I)
             Eastern    Europe   Group,   to
             which   we  belong,   was   given
             two   vacancies,   but   there   were
             four    candidates,     because    i'u'Ai
             Russia,   Poland   and   Croatia
             also  put   forward   candidates.
             We   presented   oiu'   candidate,   a
             renowned   lawyer   and   profes-  ting    a   lot   of   time   and  mutual   respect   of   all  concer-  tive  follow-up    of   the  taken
             sor   of  international    humanita-  efforts    into   this.  ned  will  we   be  able   to  acieve  decisions,   wich    is  directly
             rian    law    at    Baku    State               feasible   results   on the   ground.  linked   to  the  issue  of  credibi-
             University,     Mr    Latif  We    are    doing   this    with  Without   the  engagement   and  lity   of  the   Human    Rights
             Husseinov.    We   introduced  dedication    and   with   pleasure,  coinmittnent    of   the  govem-  Council.   It  is  not   a  secret   that
             him   to   all   regional    groups  and  we   also   gain  valuable  ment   concemed,   it's  naive   to  one  of  the   major   setbacks   that
             where   he  presented   bimself,  experience.   As   a  countg    with  believe    that   anything    will  may   have   triggered   the  demi-
             described   his  CV,  his  inten-  a  relatively    young   diplomatic  change.   A  government    should  se  of  the   Cotnmissionwas    the
             tions   and  what   he  would   do  if  corps,   we   need   experts   in  this  not   feel   that   the  Council   is  a  fact   that   the  implementation
             he  were   elected.   The   result   of  fieldaswell.    Genevaprovides  tribunal,   but   rather   an  oppor-  of   adopted   resolutions   was  at
             the   elections,    which    took  an  excellent   training   ground  tunity   for   conshuctive    dialog  a  very   low   level.   Why?
             place   on  the  26  March,   was  for  diplomats,   not  only   for  that  would   lead  to  practical  Simply   because   many   of   the
             that   he  was  elected,   together  junior    staff   but   also   senior  betterment    of  the  situation   on  decisions   were   adopted   at  the
             with    the   candidate    of  the  diplomats   because   it  exposes  the  ground.   That   is  why   I  do  cost  of   the  split   membersip
             Russian   Federation.    We   are  them   to  very   different   fields  hope   that   given   the  first   pro-  and   the  adoption   of   decisions
             confident,   that   given   his  vast  of  activity   and   organizations.  rnising   results   the  criticism    of  had  become   the  end  in  itself
             expertise   and  rich   experience
                                                              the   Council   in the   mass   media  and  lead   to  unnecessary   poli-
             in  the  field   of   protection    and  Q:  What   would    you   say  will   be  ebb.  In  the  meantime,  ticization    of  the  whole   body.
             promotion    of  human   rights
                                     to   people    who    believe  it's  also  hard   to  expebl    llial   a
             Professor   Husseinov's    work  that    the    Human    Rights  body   that   has  only   served   one  Finally,   we   felt   this   new   posi-
             as  a  member   of  the   Advisory  Council    has   not    really  year   can  remedy   all  the  diffi-  tive   spirit   of   constnictive
             Committee    will   contribute    to  been   a  success?  culties    that  exist.   However,  engagement     and    genuine
             the  efficiency    and   performan-              the  path   that   is  being   taken   is  cooperation    in  the  course   of
             ce  of  this  new   advisory   body  I  belong   to  the  group   of  peo-  the  right   one.  The   important  the   first   two   weeks   of  the
             of  the   Human  Rights   Council.  ple  who,   while   assessing   the  tbing   is  that  on  the  difficult  Universal   Periodic   Review   -  a
                                     perfomiance    of   the  Council,  and  controversial    issues,  you  majornewtool    ofthe   Council
             We  also  would   like   to  believe  would   rather   talk   about   the  always   see  willingness    and  to  sciutinize    the  human   rights
             that   his  election   is  a  recogni-  glass  being   half   full,   rather  readiness   by  the  parties   to  records   of  all   states   of  the
             tion   of   the  constnictive    role  than   half   empty.   It  is  easy  to  engage   in  collective    work   and  United   Nations.   I  hope  the
             that  Azerbaijan    plays   in  the  criticize   and  to  say  that  it  is  come   up   with    solutions.   If  spirit  w'll   prevail   in  the  future
             Council   and  is  testimony   to  not  very   different   from   the  you   look   at  the  ratio   of   deci-  thus  filling   the  new   Council
             our   strong    commihnent    to  previous   Commission    - but  sions   taken   by   the  Council   by  with    more   motivation     and

             high   cause  of   protection    and  the   facts   prove   that   it   is!  consensus   and  those   by  the  strength.
             promotion    of   human   rights.  Concrete   examples   that  I have  foimer   Commission    you   w'll
             We   look   forward   to   conti-  cited   above,   as well   as the  see  a  stark   difference.   And   I

             nuing   :auther   our   active   parti-  general    attitude     of    the  believe   it  is  only   good   that
             cipation   in  the  Human   Rights  Member     States,    clearly  consensus   building   starts  to
             Council    in   the   months    to  demonstrate   that  we   all  are  on  become   the   name   of   the
                                     the  right   track.   It  is  tbrough  game.   This   adds  to  the  ability
             Q:  You   ace  cea)[y    fnves-  conshuctive    engagement   and  of  the  Council  to  ensure   effec-
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