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was   merely   a  subsidiary    body  work.   It  was   not   an  easy   task,  good    achievement.    During  list  of   priorities   because   it  is
              of   ECOSOC   -  the  Economic  but   nevertheless    this   was  that   period   Azerbaijan    was  hardly   possible    to   embrace
              and  Social   Council.  indeed  the  final   outcome.   The  co-ordinator    of   the   Eastem  everything    here.  As   to   the
                                      pary    significance    of   this  European   Group   on  Human  Hiunan   Rights   Council,   since
              Our    participation     and  outcome   was   that  the   new  Rights.   Basically,   our  job   was  this   was   the  periodwhen-so    to
              membership    in  this  Council  Council   has  ushered   in   a  new,  to   participate    in   restricted  speak-the   cod   was  just  born,
              were   basically    dictated  by   our  fresh   spirit   of   consensual  discussions     in    a   bureau  particular    care   had   to   be
              desire   to  fonow   human   rights  decision-making    inviting    all  consisting    of  the   President,  applied   on  the  part   of   all  so
              developments    more   closely,  those   who   are  faced   w'th   this  the   vice-presidents    and  co-  that   it  survived   and  grew   into
              and  through   our  conshuctive  or  that  difficulty    to  walk   an  ordinators    of  the   regional  a  healthy   child.   Another   ttffig
              and   active   engagement    to  extra   step   and   arrive   to   a  groups.   We  represented   the  was  that   because   the  Council
              extend   our  humble   contribu-  mutually   acceptable   compro-  Eastern    European     Group,  lived   through    the   phase   of
              t'on   in  setting   up  the  Council.  mise.   Lack   of   consensus   on  made   up  of  twenty-two    coun-  institutional    building   it  was
              This   new  bodywas    created  by  such  an  important   document  tries   and   very   diverse   in  natu-  almost   all   the  time   in   session,
              a General   Assembly   resolu-  as the  institutional    building  re  some   of  them   having   quite  like   a  perpetuum   mobile,   so

              tion,   many   aspects   related   to  package   would   immediately  differing    views   on  various  for   small-sized    mission   repre-
              its    functioning     remained  send  the  wrong   message   to  issues.  It  was  quite   an  expe-  senting   a  member    of  the
              rather   vague,   quite   a  few  the  outside   world,   in  the  first  rience   for   us.  Our   delegation  Council   it  was  difficult    to  do
              elements   were   invented   for  place   to   those   who   were  is  not  big,   it  consists   only   of  a  something     else    than    the
              the  first   time,   so  it  took   quite  welcoming    the  establishment  few  people,   but   we   tried   to  be  Human     Rights    Council
              an  effort   on  the  part  of  all  of  the   new   global    human  as  accurate,   as  constnichve  (smiles).
              members   and   observers   on  rights   body   with   a hope   that   it  and  as  transparent   vis-A-vis
              the   Council  to  "put  some   flesh  would     indeed    make    a  our   group   as  possible.   We  Another   task  in  front   of   us
              on  the  bones",   that  is  to  go  difference   for   the  victims   of  were   acting   as co-ordinators,  was  the  chainnanship    dining

              ahead  with    the   institutional  the  human   rights   violations.  taking   views   and   messages  one   calendar   year  over  the
             building    of  the  newly   created  First,   it   would    mean   that  back   to  our   constituency    and  OIC   Group   in   Geneva   of
             body,   which   was  not   an  easy  countries   cannot   even  agree  tg    to  reflect   their   views   in  which    there   are   fifty-seven
              task   at  all.         on  the   basic   text   and,  second-  the   bureau   discussions.    We  members.   As  a  member   state
                                      ly,   it  would    create   a very  acted   as  a  channel   of  cominu-  of   the  OIC,   that  had  hosted

              One   of  the  distinctive    features  dangerous   precedent   for  the  nication   between   the  bureau  the    Meeting     of    Foreign
              of   this  Council   is  to  ensure  future   work   of  the  Council.   A  and  the   group.   It  was   an  inter-  Ministers   of  the  OIC   in  2006
             that  it  is  not   a  closed   body,  lot   of   count'es    did   not   really  esting   experience    and  very  we  had   taken   over   the  chair-
             that   it's  transparent,   inclusive  believe   in  the  longevity    of  this  useful   for  us:  to  better  iu'iders-  manship   of  the  group.   Here   I
              and  non-discatory    with  body.   TheythoughtUhatitwas  tand   fu'stly,   the  human   rights  shorild  pay   a  special   tribute   to
             regard    to    members     and  difficult     to   expect   that   it  machinery    and  secondly,   the  the   Permanent    Mission    of
              observer   states   and  broader  would   be  different,   right   after  specificities    of  tbis   new   body.  Pakistan   in   Geneva   led  by   my
              international     community,  the   demise   of   the  previous  As  a  bureau   member,   we   also  friend   Ambassador     Masood
              including    in   the  first   place   the  Commission.  felt    a   certain    additional  Khan,   who   did   a  marvellous
              civil   society.                                responsibility    to   make   sure  job   of  Coordinator    of  the   OIC
                                      The   fact   that   consensus   was  a  that   our  job   was   done   proper-  Group   on  hun"ian   rights   and
             It  took   quite   an  effort   on  the  major   cornerstone   of  t's   new  ly  hutnanitarian    issues   and   has
             part   of  all   the   regional   groups  process   helped   a  lot  to  put   it  been   providing    for   an  exem-
              and  the  first   the  President   of  on  the  right   track.   As  I  said,  Q:   You   said    that    your  plary   leadersip    all  this   time.
             the  Human   Rights   Council-  lots  of  lacunae   still   were   there  mission    does   not   have   a
             Ambassador    Luis   Alfonso   de  to  be  filled   when   the  General  lot   of   staff,   which    implies  Another   matter   that   expanded
             Alba   of  Mexico.   He  tried   his  Assembly     adopted     the  that   you   were   constantly  our   experience   in  a  particular
             best   to  ensure   transparency    of  resolution   on  the  creation   of  working    on   this   issue?  field   was  Azerbaijan's    mem-
             the   process   and  to  provide   all  this   Council.    Sometimes    in  bership   in  the  Working    Group
             member   states  of  the  UN  with  diplomatic    parlance     it    is  That   is  tnie,   especially   given  on  Situations.   an'iis  is  a  speci-
              a  certain   sense  of   ownership  called    "consti'uctive  the  fact   that   I'm   also   enttusted  fic   group   made  up   of  five
              over    the   ciucial    formation  ambiguity"    simply   because  w'th   several   other   responsibi-  ambassadors     representing
             phase   of  the   work    of  the  one  then   may   interpret   things  lities,    as   the   Azerbaijani  major   regional    groups   and
              Council.   Still,   he  benefited   a  differently.    This   may   be  help-  ambassador     accredited     in  dealing   with   individual    com-
             lot  from   close   interactionwith  fiil   when   a  decision   is  taken  Switzerland,   the  Holy   See  and  plaints   filed  with  the  Office   of
              a  selected   core   group   of  but  then,  when   you   need  to  the    Picipality     of  the  UN   High   Commissioner
             countries,    who   would    be  put  the  decision   in  practice  Liechtenstein.    When   it  comes  on  Human   Rights.   The   Group
             willing    to  and   would   actually  you   face  up  the  challenge   of  to   Geneva   as  a  diplomatic  works   within   the  framework
             act  as "friends   of   the  chair".  addressing   those   ambiguities.  posting,   it  is  a very  busy  place  of  a confidential     procedure

             They   would   hy   to  overcome                 with   a  large   number   of   inter-  that  used  to  be  called   "the
             differences    that  existed   and  Anyway,   the  reached   consen-  national   organizations    dealing  1503  procedure"   and  now   -
             come   up   with    a consensus  sus  text   required    quite   an  with   different    issues   and  the   Complaint    Procedure.

             text    that    would     lay   the  effort    by    all    members  anyone   working   here  has  to  Any   individual     may    file   a
             groundwork    for   the  Council's  involved   and  was   therefore   a  clarify   for   himself   or herself  a  complaint    against   a  State,  for
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