Page 12 - DIVA_2_2008_No.33
P. 12

In  the   Human   Rights   Council

                                       Interview         with   Elchin   Amirbayov,

                                            Ambassador                of   Azerbaijan

                                                                                       scratch   with   a  new   election
                                                                                       campaign.   As  you   probably
                                                                                       know,   we   are  members   of  the
                                                                                       Eastetn   European   Geograph-
                                                                                       ical   Group.   Within   the   United
                                                                                       Nations     you    have    five
                                                          !   :'i4.   II,

                                                                                       regional     groups:    African;
                                                                                       Asian;   GR{JLAC,     which   is
                                                                                       the    Latin    American     and
                                                                                       Caribbean   group;   the   Western
                                                                                       European   group   wbich   also
                                                                                       includes   the  US  and  Canada;
                                                                                        and    then    the    Eastern
                                                                                       European   Group.

                                                                                       Within   our  regional   Eastem
                                                                                       Ewopean    Group   we   faced
                                                                                        fierce    competition,     with
                                                                                       thirteen   (!)  candidates   for   six
                                                                                        seats.    Six    countries     who
                                                                                        gathered     the    required
                                                                                       majority    of   votes   on  the  part
                                                                                        of   the    members     of   the
                                                                                        General    Assembly    elected
                                                                                       were    Azerbaijan,     Czech
                                       Under    his   ambassador-  involved     in   the   Human
                                                                                        Republic,    Poland,    Romania,
                                       ship,     the    image     of  Rights     Council     ever
                                                                                       the  Russian   Federation    and
                                       Azerbaijan     has    been  since     its    beginning.
                                                                                       {Jkraine.   It  was  a  staggered
                                       promoted    on   the   interna-  Could     you    tell    us
                                                                                       membership,    which    means
                                       tional     scene     here    in  something    about    it?
                                                                                        that,   once   elected,    lots   are
                                       Geneva,     and    Mr.
                                                                                        drawn   to  determine   how   long
                                       Ambassador      Elchin  What   was   the  Human   Rights
                                                                                        you   will   sit  on  the  Council:
                                       Amirbayov    has   been   one  Commission    ceased  to  exist
                                                                                        one,  two   or  three   years.  We
                                       of   the   key   players    on   the  about    three    years    ago.
                                                                                        were   lucky  to  get   a  three-year
                                       Human    Rights    Council  Azerbaijan    was  elected   to  sit
                                                                                       period,   together   with   Russia.
                                       since   it's   very   beginning.  on  the   last   session    of   'us
                                                                                        For  us  it  was   important   to
                                       Not    a   week     passes  Commission.    In  fact,   we  had
                                                                                        ensure  that  there   was   a certain
                                       without     a    meeting  been   elected   for   a  three-year
                                                                                        continuity    upon   being   re-
                                       concerning     the   Human  period,   but   we   had   only   been
                                                                                        elected   to  the  Human   Rights
                                       Rights    Council    -  either    a  serving   for   about   a  year  when
                                       sub-commission,     a   we    were    told    that   "the
                                       committee     or  whatever-  Commission    is  gone;  a  new
                                       and   Mr   Ambassador    and  htunan   rights   body   w'll   be  set  Q:  VNhl"?
                                       his   dedicated     team    of  rip  to  replace   the  old   one".   We
                                                                                        We   believe   that   the  Council   is
                                       young     diplomats     are  were   also  told   that   new   elec-
                                                                                        a  riniversal    human   rights
                                       rushing     from     one  tions   would   have   to  be  held
                                                                                        b ody,   and   that   it   is   the
                                       meeting    to   another.    We  for   the  new   body.   Given   the
                                                                                        prirnaty   human  rights   body   in
                                       wanted    to   know    a   little  importance    of   Azerbaijan's
                                                                                        the  United   Nations    system.
                                       more    about    their    daily  membership    in   this   major
                                                                                        Given  the   fact  that  the   Human
                                       experience,     SO  we    glve  human    rights    body,    we
                                                                                        Rights   Council   is  a  subsidiary
                                       the    floor     to    His  decided   to  put  forward   oiu'
                                                                                        body    of    the    General
                                       Excellency...           candidatiire    once   again.
                                                                                        Assembly,   its  status  is  now
                                                                                        elevated   compared   with   the
                                       Q:    YOU    haVO    been    So,   we  had  to   start   from
                                                                                        previous   Commission,    which
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