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                                                               hire  therein,   and  the  human  {JDHR   in  1948   or  in  1776
                                                               rights   situation   in  general.   We  with    the  American    Bill    of
                                                               respond   very  proactively    to  all  Rights,   with    the  American
                                                               reports   that  are  published   by  Constitution    or  in  1789   with
                                                               the   international    media   or  the  French   Revolution-or
                                                               NGOs.   Most   of   the  time   they  evenwithMagna    Carta,   which
                                                               tell   half-tniths-their    perspec-  we  recognize.   All   these  texts
                                                               tive   is  always   from   the  angle  are  taught   at  our  schools.   We
       r                                                       of  the  glass  half   empty,   rather  also  have  our-own   texts  that
                                                               than   half   full-but
                                                                                        are  equally   pertinent,   and  we
                                                                               we  tiy   to
                                                               make   good   use  even  of   this.  are  proud   of  them.   The   Quran
                                                               The  authorities   usually   take  is  not   only   a  Holy   Book   but   it
                                                               the  reports   by   international  contains   a  marvellous   bill   of
                                                               media   and  NGOs   into  consi-  rights.
                                                               deration   and   act  on  the  factual
                                                               information    therein.  Q:  Do   you   feel   that   people
              see  people   come  and  preach  mental    freedoms   established         do   not   know   about   your
              high  andlofty   noble  ideals,  but  under    King    Abdullah     II  In  general,   we   have   a  satisfac-  rich   heritage?
              when   it  comes   to  reality,   they  demonstrat'ng    the  same  open  tory  record,   but  we   continue  to
              adopt   different   stands   because  and  caig    spirit   his  deceased  improve   it  despite   the  fact  that  Yes.  But,  perhaps,   it's  parkly
              of   the  real  politik,   because   of  father   late  King   Hussein   had.  we  are  living   in  a very   un-  our   mistake.   In   the   past,

              considerations     of   national  There   is  in place   the  necessary  stable   region.   Jordanhas   taken  Orientalists   came   to  the  region
              interest.   It  can  be  quite   com-  institutions,    legislations    and  in  a huge  niunber   of  Iraqi  refii-  to  probe  and  study   Arab   &
              forting,   especially   when   you  policies.   At   the  same  time,   we  gees,   but  unfortunately    the  Islamic   culhu'e.   But   with   tis

              see what   has  been  done  in  are  living   in  a  very   difficult  media   are  not  paying   attention  current    culture    of
              favour   of   the  disadvantaged-  region.   I'm   not   hying   to  fu'id  to   tis.    International     media  consiunerism    and  fast  food,
              the   disabled    or   indigenous  excuses.   We  have   made   some  and   NGOs   register   short-  people   no  longer   have   time   to
              people.   But   it   can   also  be  mistakes   due   mainly   to  the  comings,    mishaps   or   gaps  go  back   and  read  old   manus-
              disturbing   when   you   see  that  environment    in  which   we   live.  only.    Achievements     and  cripts,   unless  they  are  like  you,
              the   international     community  Sometimes   we  may   exagger-  reforms   usually   do  not  atkract  because   you   like   to  visit   old
              fails   to   collectively    act  on  ate  or act too   caut'ously    inpro-  attention.  places   and  leam   from   history.
              some   chronic   questions.  tecting   people's   lives,   wich           Jordan   is  rich   in  history,   both
                                       may   impeach    or    mgc  Q:   In   your   country,     you  modern    and    ancient.    We
              Q:  You   are   trying   to  do  other's   rights.   Sometimes   you  have   Petra   and   other   his-  would   like   people    to   come
              good,   but   the   institution  may   iu'iintentionally    undemii-  torical    sites    going    back  and  visit   Petra,  Wadi   Rum,
              is  blocking    progress    ...  ne   or   jeopardize    people's  thousands    of  years.  bathe   inthe   Dead   Sea,  but   also
                                       rights   in  certain   areas  like   the         see the  rich  history   of  mankind
              Well,   we   should  not  blame  the  right   to  have  public   associa-  Our   civilization    goes   back  there;   or  part   of  it.
              institution,    but  the  members.   If  tion   and  assembly,   or  holding  thousands   of  years   and  we
              you   knock   yourself   against   a  a  person   in  custody   for   a  pro-  have   something    from   the  Q:   What   should    countries
              wall,   you  do  not  blame   the  longed   period   for   public   secu-  Byzantine   time,   the  Romans,  do?   Promote    their   cultu-
              wall   ...   the   institution    is  rity   considerations.   We  have  the  Aramaic   ...  we  have   the  ral   values    better?
              merely   an   arena  where   its  had  incidents   like   these,  but  site    where    Christ    was
              members   act,   so we  should  these   are  very   exceptional   and  baptized,    which    is  on   the  I  think   that  they  should   dO

              call   a  spade   a spade.   It  is  when   they   occurred   they   were  eastern   bank    of   the   River  more,   spend   more   money   on

              considerations     of   national  dealt   with   promptly    and   sat's-  Jordan.   We  have   mosaics   and  cultural   exhibitions   and  focus
              priorities...politicisation,  factorily;   as  there   is  a  political  churches,   the   oldest   mosaic  more   on  showing   the  world
              which   lead  to  different   yard-  will   at the  highest  level   to  add-  church   in  the  world,   etc.  Our  whatthey   have  interms   of  cul-
              sticks  being   employed   as in  ress  these   violations.  history   goes  back   as much   as  tural   treasures,   the  rich   civili-

              the  case  of   the  Middle   East               3,000   years.   Jericho,   which   is  zation,   we  have,   modemity,    in
              issues,   for   instance.  We  have  dealt   with   all  these  the  oldest   known   capital   in the  terms   of  progress   and   the
                                       issues   on  the  political   level,   in  world,   is  only   afewkilometres  respect   of   human   rights.   The
              Q:   How   would   you   cha-  temis   of  legislation,   inpractice  away  to  the  west  of   where  heritage   of  the  past-either   it's
              racterize     the    human  and  even  in  temis   of  educating  Cbrist   was  baptized.  buriedunderthe    ground,   orit's
              rights     situation     in  the  people.   So  we  have   modi-          in  manuscripts    or  sculphires   -
              Jordan?                  fied   our  laws  to  conform   to  So  when   people   come   to  us  can  be  found   in  museums   and
                                       international     standards.   We  and  tell   us:  "No,   you   cannot  libraries   around   the  world.   I

              We  have   a  fafily   good   record  have   established    a national  speak  about   human   rights,   the  bclieve   the  TJNBSCO,   'i7i7IP0
              of  human   rights   in  Jordan.   Of  center  forhuman   rights   institu-  rule   of  law,  justice,   etc."-I    do  and  HRC   should   cooperate   to
              course,   no  counhy   is  perfect.  t'ons   and  we   have   very  vibrant  not   agree.    The   Universal  develop  the  universalnortns    of
              Otherwise   there   would   not   be  national   human   rights   NGOs  Declaration    of   Human   Rights  human   rights   that  are  shared
              a  dynamic   political   system   in  that  monitor   the  situation   in  is  a  good   text;   we  like   it  and  by   all  peoples,    cultures   and
              any  counhy.   First,   we  have  a  prisons,    and   issued    reports  we   contributed     to   it.   But,  civilizations.    History   and  cul-
              culture   of   respect   for  fiu'ida-  about   incidents   of  alleged   tor-  istory    did  not  start  with   the  hire   can  contribute   significant-
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