Page 3 - DIVA_2_2008_No.33
P. 3

"Diva   International

            3   ITU  TELECOM   WORLD   2009
                promises   to  be  biggest   ever   ICT  showcase
            4   Human   Rights   in  the   new   Millennium
            6   Is  our   food   really   safe?
                Interview   with  Dr  J(25RGEN  SCHLUNDT,
                Department   of  Food   Safety,   Zoonoses   and  Foodborne
                Dtseases,   World   Health   Organization
            10    In  the   Human   Rights   Council
                Interview    with   Elchin   Amirbayov,
                Ambassador    of Azerbaijan
            14    A  devoted   defender    of   human   rights
                Interview    with   Mousa   Burayzat,   Ambassador    of  Jordan
                to  the  United   Nations
            18    Droits   de  l'Homme   :  vision,   application
                ou  promotion,
                par  Franciscos   Verros,   Ambassadeur    et  Representant
                permanent   de  la  Grece
            20    TUITIO   FIDEI   ET  OBSEQUIUM    PAUPERUM
                900  YEARS   IN  THE   SERVICE   OF  MANKIND
                Interview    with   Marie-Th6rese    Pictet-Althann,
                Ambassador,   Permanent   Observer   of  the  Sovereign
                Military   Order   of  Malta
            24    A  defender    of   the   rights   of   victims
                Interview    with   His   Excellency    Monsignor
                Silvano   M.  Tomasi,   Apostolic   Nuncio,   Permanent
                Observer   of  the  Holy   See
            27    The   Universal    Declaration    of  Human   Rights   turns   60  -
                Interview   with  David   B.  Roosevelt,   author   of  Grandmere   -
                a  personal   history   of  Eleanor   Roosevelt

         Geneva   International
            29    Preserving   Peace   for  the  Future   Generations
                Interview    with   Aleksandr    Grigorievich    Khariton,
            31   Promoting    the   international    legal   and   political
                status   of   the   Alaskan   indigenous    peoples...
                Interview   with  Ronald   Barnes,   Permanent   Representative
                of  the  Alaska   Indigenous   Tribes
            33    Geneva   Health   Forum   25-28   May   2008
                "  Strengthening    Health   Systems   and  the  Global   Health
                Workforce   "
            36    To  drink   or   not   to  drink?
                Interview   with  Marjana   Martinic,   Ph.D.   Vice-President    for
                Public   Health,   International   CenterforAlcohol    Policies
            39    Printemps    au  CFNU
            40    La  Poup6e   Katchina
                Interview    de  Jean-Michel    Wissmer
            41   Une  Genevoise    regoit   une  m6daille   d'or   pour   les
                sciences   et  les  arts.
            42    Au  Cameroun,   au  ca=ur   de  l'Afrique,   naissance   d'un
                haut   lieu  de  grandes   rencontres   internationales.
            44    Art   royal   du  Cameroun
            46    It's   world
            47    Le  coin   de  l'6ducation
            48    Hayward   Beywood    Column
            50    des   Arts   et  des   Hommes
            51   Broken   Chair   entretien   avec   Daniel   Berset
            51   La  cuisine   autour   du  monde
            52    Ambassadress
                                                                                              2  2008   Diva  4

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