Page 9 - DIVA_No.24_2006
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ment, manufacturing tech-  architecture styles and rich
                                      nique and the kind of article   musical heritage.
                                      in question. They are noted
                                      for a vast variety of ornamen-  Architecture
                                      tal compositions, which now
                                      exceed 600. Despite the reli-
                                                               Azerbaijani architecture typi-
                                      gious taboo to depict human   cally combines elements of
                                      images the distinctive feature
                                                               East and West. Many ancient
                                      of Azerbaijani carpets is that
                                                               architectural treasures survive
                                      their decorative scheme com-
                                                               in modern Azerbaijan. These
                                                               sites include the so-called
                                      zoomorphos, anthropomor-
                                                               Maiden's Tower in Baku, a
                                      phos and geometrical ele-  rampart that has been dated
                                      ments, highly convention-  variously from the pre-
                  Shirvan Carpet      alised when conveyed onto a   Christian era to the XII centu-  Garabagh Carpet
                                      carpet. The greater part of car-
              Colorful Azerbaijani carpets                     ry, and from the top of which,
                                      pet decorative motifs is com-
              were admired by the Flemish                      legend says, a distraught
                                      mon to other Azerbaijani
              traveller, 	                                     medieval maiden flung her-  But the most popular deriva-
              Guillaume de Rubrouk (13th   crafts too. The similarity of   self. Among other medieval
                                      ornament in metal, fabrics,                    tion is from Bad-kube mean-
              century) and the Venetian                        architectural treasures reflect-
                                      ceramics, etc. is traceable                    ing "blustering wind".
              explorer Marco Polo.                             ing the influence of several
                                      among the specimens of the                     Narrow alleys, dozen of small
              Azerbaijan craftsmen pro-                        schools are the Shirvan   mosques, some barely distin-
              duced magnificent speci-  ethnographic fund. Flowers   Shahs' palace in Baku, the   guishable from the houses
              mens-from simple pileless   and branches often elaborate   palace of the Shaki khans in
                                      colorful displays.                             that surround them, a handful
              Sumakh type carpets to exqui-                    the town of Shaki in north-
                                                                                     of old caravanserais and
              site khalcha variety. The over-                  central Azerbaijan, the
                                      Having mastered manufactur-                    many overhanging balconies
              whelming majority of carpet                      Surakhani Temple on the   characterize Old Baku. One
              compositions famed as   ing techniques to perfection,   Absheron Peninsula, a num-  may use many metaphors
              Caucasian carpets are the   Azerbaijani carpet makers,   ber of bridges spanning the
                                      namely Garabagh carpet                         about Baku, but maybe one of
              compositions of Azerbaijani                      Araz River, and several mau-
                                      school, began producing sets                    the most tender, succinct and
              artists.                                         soleums. In the XIX and early
                                      (dast) consisting of a large                    heartfelt depictions of
                                                               XX centuries, little monu-
                                      central carpet, two side rugs                   Azerbaijani capital is the one
              Latif Karimov (1906-1991),                       mental architecture was creat-
                                      and one head piece, all united                  voiced many years ago by
              Azerbaijani famous scholar                       ed, but distinctive residences   one of the greatest
              and carpet-maker who metic-  in a single composition;   were built in Baku and else-
                                      prayer rugs (namazlig); picto-                  Azerbaijani composers Gara
              ulously researched the history                   where. Among the most
                                      rial and other types of carpets.                Garayev: "To me, Baku is the
              ofAzerbaijani carpets system-                    recent architectural monu-  most beautiful city in the
              atized 144 styles based on   Carpets were to meet both   ments, the Baku subways are
                                      aesthetic and utilitarian                       world. Every morning, when
              geographical regions. He                         noted for their lavish decor.   the city wakes whether it be
              identified four major types of   requirements. As an object of
                                      household use, which was its                    to the sun or the rain and fog,
              Azerbaijani carpets based on                     There are more than six thou-
                                      main purpose, the carpet                        every morning my city sings.
              geographical origin - namely,                    sand architectural monuments
                                      served to keep the house                        Baku is meant for art. It gives
              the Guba-Shirvan, Ganja-                         of historical importance pre-
                                      warm. Other types of carpets                    me so much pleasure to write
              Gazakh, Garabagh and Tabriz                      served in the territory of   about this city no matter if
              "schools", each of which pos-  included pileless mafrash,   Azerbaijan such as unique
                                      khurdjun and kheiba (travel-                    you write music, verse or
              sesses its own distinct charac-                  historical open-sky site
                                      ling bags), chuval (sacks for                   paint images."
              teristics and coloring.                          "Gobustan", the fire-worship-
                                      holding loose products), chul
                                                               pers' temple "Atashgah", the
                                      (all kinds of coverlets),                       It is worth mentioning that
              Azerbaijani carpets are main-                    Palace of Shirvan Shahs,   Baku's walled Old City area
              ly distinguished by the orna-   yakhar ustu (saddle cover)..   Baku's unique Maiden's
                                      Presently, magnificent carpets                  has been included as a
                                                               Tower, the Nizami Ganjavi
                                      and carpet articles from   mausoleum tower, Shah   UNESCO World Heritage
                                      Azerbaijan are in the collec-                   Site. The surrounding central
                                                               Abbas Mosque, Javad Khan's
                                      tions at the Hermitage in St.-                  area is delightfully cosmopol-
                                                               tomb, Momine Khatun mau-
                                      Petersburg, the Victoria and                    itan with attractive turn of the
                                                               soleum tower just to name a
                                      Albert Museum in London,                        20th century buildings and
                                                               few. Furthermore, ancient
                                      the Textile Museum in    cities, fortresses, palaces,   century-old "oil boom" archi-
                                      Washington, Le Louvre in                        tecture with a good balance of
                                                               mausoleums, mosques, "cara-
                                      Paris, and the Topkapi in   vanserais" (guest houses) rep-  local and Western-oriented
                                      Istanbul.                                       business.
                                                               resent interest from both sci-
                                                               entific and tourist point of
                                      The land of Azerbaijan is not                   In opinion of a number of
                                      only famous for its carpets                     researchers, Maiden's Tower
                                      and handicrafts but also with                   is an ancient defensive tower.
                                                               Baku is perhaps the "city of
                                      its beautiful and particular                    But this construction strongly
               Guba carpet                                     God" or the "place of fire".
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