Page 12 - DIVA_No.24_2006
P. 12

Azerbaijani talents. In 1991,   most successful stories among   Azerbaijan intends to develop
           together with his wife, Galina   the newly independent states   non-oil sector in order to
           Vishnevskaya, for many years   in terms of political and eco-  diversify economic produc-
           the leading soprano at the  nomic stability. Azerbaijan   tion and enhance its competi-
            Bolshoy Opera in Moscow, he   considers integrative efforts to   tiveness in international trade
            established a charitable fund  world economy as an   and investment. However,
            known as the Vishnevskaya-  inevitable process, however,   alongside with improving
            Rostropovich Fund. Since  cementing opportunities to   investment climate, the
            2002 this Fund has been facil-  enhance its national competi-  Government has set a goal to
            itated a nationwide children's   tiveness, along with ensuring   maximize national assets for-
            vaccination program to pro-  the access to diverse products   mation, so as to improve gen-
            tect over 750,000 Azerbaijani   and services for the society at   eral socio-economic living
            children against measles,  large, is the core of the eco-  conditions of people. Besides,
            mumps, and rubella.    nomic policy of the     the Government pursues   from IJNDP Resident
                                   Government.             administrative
            One of the nation's most cele-                 enhances efficiency of public   Representative in BakuMarco
            brated sons was Vagif  Now, when the country has   administration, and ensures   Borsotti turning a "black
                                                                                   gold"into a "human gold".
            Mustafazade  (1940-1979),  regained its independence and   good governance to manage
            creator of the 'mugham jazz"   the sovereign right to exploit   all of these challenges.   The Government of
            movement in Azerbaijan in   its natural resources and build
            the 1960s. By merging two   its own economy, it seems   Having studied the evolution   Azerbaijan was, indeed,
            musical genres- Western jazz   ever more convincing that the   of other nations rich in miner-  among the first to embark on
            and Eastern mugham, he cre-  target is to expand entrepre-  al resources, perhaps, one of   delivering upon the Extractive
            ated a completely new sound   neurial activities and promote   the most crucial steps in   Industries
            that was uniquely Azerbaijani.   the development of sectors on   ensuring long-term sustain-  Initiative, launched by the
            Familiar Eastern melodies  market-based approach and   able socio-economic develop-  British Government in pursuit
            found new expression in  with modern investment   ment in the country was the   of seeing how minerals-rich
            Musatafazades free-spirited   strategies for investors to find   establishment of the State Oil   countries can become more
            piano stylings. His brilliant   niches not only in traditional   Fund, whose cause is to help   transparent and more focused
            jazz renditions are well-  oil & gas sector, but also in   the nation find specific and   on delivering the revenues of
            known 		                                       most urgent of all uses of   the mining activities to their
                                   metals mining (ferrous and
            Azerbaijan. His daughter  non-ferrous minerals), chemi-  accumulated oil revenues, so   peoples. Joining this initiative
            Aziza Mustafa Zadeh is  cal and petrochemical, light   as to invest into the future,   was an important endeavor
            today an accomplished jazz  and food industries, agricul-  into the younger generations-  undertaken
            piano player and singer of  ture (cotton, tea, tobacco, silk   that is, into what will make up   Government in order to
            international repute.   worms, vine-growing, vegeta-  the society well ahead of years   ensure transparency in grow-
                                   bles, fruits), and tourism.   to come, the human capital of   ing oil revenues collection
                                                                                   and spending, among other
            Towards human gold                             Azerbaijan. It is many people   things, to ensure the imple-
                                   In simpler terms, addressing   both in the public and in the
            Today, Azerbaijan is on the   development challenges in the   private who concur in their   mentation by the country of
                                                                                   United Nations Millennium
            rise, exemplifying one of the   context of globalization   intentions about borrowing
                                                                                   Development Goals (MDGs).
                                                                                   Over the past two years, as
                                                                                   much as half billion USD, or
                                                                                   32 percent of the State Oil
                                                                                   Fund's income, was directed
                                                                                   to different investment and
                                                                                   social projects, the most
                                                                                   important of which was fund-
                                                                                   ing of housing and improve-
                                                                                   ment of socio-economic con-
                                                                                   ditions for refugees and inter-
                                                                                   nally displaced persons forced
                                                                                   to flee their native lands due
                                                                                   to ethnic cleansing as a result
                                                                                   of armed aggression against

                                                                                   In addition to the Oil Fund,
                                                                                   the society draws substantial
                                                                                   support also from philan-
                                                                                   thropic activities of the
                                                                                   Heydar Aliyev Foundation
            Official Opening of the BTC Pipeline (Baku-Thilisi-Ceyhan) with President of Azerba/an liham   headed by Mrs. Mehriban
             Aliyev, President of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili and President of Turkey Ahmet Necdet Sezer   Aliyeva, First Lady of
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