Page 17 - DIVA_No.24_2006
P. 17

100 years of passion and dedication

                                    in electricity and electronics

                  ho decides that the                                                 At present, some 175 techni-
                  SfOJ)  hiittoii  On  your                                           cal committees and subcom-
              iPod should be represented                                              mittees, as well as some 700
              ky  a square, while the                                                 project or maintenance teams
              pause button should he two                                              carry out the work of the orga-
              vertical hues:' Why are AA                                              nization. These committees
              batteries and CDs the same                                              may for example prepare tech-
              111!  over the world?                                                   nical documents on specific
                                                                                      subjects within their respecti-
              The answer lies in Geneva,                                              ve areas, which are then sub-
              which has been home to the                                              mitted to IEC members or
              world's leading organization                                            National Committees (NCs)
              for electrical and electronic                                           who decide by vote whether
              standards for more than 50                                              these become International
              years, but 50 years is only half                                        Standards. In total, some 7
              the story. Founded in London                                            000 experts worldwide parti-
              in 1906, the International       Aharon Amit, IEC General Secretary     cipate in the technical work of
              Electrotechnical Commission                                             the IEC. To improve efficien-

              (IEC) is the international orga-  "Geneva has been home to the  improving   industrial   cy and reduce overall costs,
              nization that prepares and   IEC since 1948 and while our  efficiency.   the distribution of documents
                                      view and our impact are glo-
              publishes 	                                                             for standards production is
              Standards for all electrical,   bal, it's from here that we  Areas covered by IEC stan-  100% electronic.
              electronic and related techno-  organize it all. Geneva has  dards include all electrotech-
              logies.                 been very good to us over the  nologies, including electro-  There are two possible forms
                                      decades and we intend to be  nics, magnetics and electro-  of participation in IEC work.
              Celebrating its 100th anniver-  celebrating our 200th anni-  magnetics, electroacoustics,   Full membership enables
              sary this year, the IEC counts   versary here in 2106."   multimedia, telecommunica-  countries to participate fully in
              some 80 staff members in                       tion, energy production and   international standardization
              Central Office in Geneva. It   Why are International  distribution as well as associa-  activities. Associate members-
              also has two regional offices,   Standards so important?   ted general disciplines such as   hip enables those countries
              one in Massachusetts, USA,                     terminology and symbols,   with less financial resources to
              and the other in Singapore. A   The main objectives of the  electromagnetic compatibility,   still take part in some of IEC's
              third office is likely to open in   IEC are to promote internatio-  safety and the environment.   work (limited participation).
              Latin America in the near   nal co-operation on all ques-
              future.                 tions of electrotechnical stan-  For industries that manufactu-  Sixty-five countries from all
                                      dardization and related mat-  re products and services that   parts of the world, and who
              According to IEC General   ters, such as the assessment of  fall within the fields covered   represent all the major trading
              Secretary Aharon Amit:   conformity to standards. IEC's  by the organization, the bene-  nations, take part in the IEC's
              "While ourl00th anniversary   International Standards also  fits of using its standards   standardization's activities.
              offers us a good opportunity to   facilitate world commerce by  include greater product and   These play a key role in all
              reflect and celebrate past   removing technical barriers to  service quality, more interope-  decision-making instances of
              accomplishments, 2006 also   the exchange of goods and  rability, better production and   the Commission. For the IEC,
              marks 100 years of service to   services, leading to new mar-  delivery. End-users of such   this enables the widest degree
              the electrical and electronic   kets and economic growth.  products also gain. In   of consensus on standardiza-
              industries, to member coun-  IEC's standards are thus vital   addition, IEC standards, serve   tion work to be reached at an
              tries and to society. Such an   as they also represent the core  as a basis for national and   international level. It is then
              anniversary is a milestone, but   of the World Trade  regional standardization and   up to members to align their
                                                      (WTO)  as references when drafting
              the IEC isn't stopping there   Organization's 	                         policies accordingly in their
              nor even slowing down. As in   Agreement on Technical  international tenders and   countries.
              all other years, we will be   Barriers to Trade (TBT),  contracts. At the same time,
              launching new projects and   whose 140-plus central  IEC standards aim to encoura-  IEC members, whose role is
              publishing new International   government members expli-  ge and improve quality of life   also to encourage new compa-
                                                        that  by contributing to safety,
              Standards while aiming to   citly 		                                    nies and new industries to get
              consolidate past successes   International Standards nota-  human health and the protec-  involved, usually comprise
              and achieve new goals."   bly play a critical role in  tion of the environment.   representatives of: "manufact-

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