Page 18 - DIVA_No.24_2006
P. 18

                   urers, 	                       Maritime   information technology tools  red the organization's mem-
                   distributors, ven-  Organization and the Council   and streamlined processes  bers and community of
                   dors; "governmen-  for Harmonization of   which has made things much  experts to better meet market
                   tal agencies (all   Electrotechnical Standards of   more efficient for its experts.   needs.
            levels); "professional socie-   the Nations of the Americas
                                   (CANENA). To harmonize
            ties, 		                                       Also, as technology becomes  Celebrating an electric
            "consumers, end-users; "stan-  work in common areas, the   more complex, users and  century
                                                           consumers of a variety of elec-
            dards developers.      "World
                                   Cooperation" between IEC,   trical and electronic products  To mark the organization's
            To respond to WTO's call for   ISO and the ITU strengthens   are becoming more aware of  centenary, several events are
            more inclusiveness, an   and advances the voluntary   their dependence on products  being organized locally and
            Affiliate Country Programme   consensus-based international   whose design and construc-  abroad. In Geneva, residents
            (ACP) was created in 2002,   standards system and has   tion they may not understand.  are invited to explore an inter-
            which means a growing num-  become truly representative of   This is a good example of how  active exhibition designed in
            ber of industrializing countries   the entire international stan-  IEC's conformity assessment  partnership with the Services
            also comprise the IEC family.   dardization system embodied   systems try to offer consumers  Industriels de Genève (SIG)
            The programme is aimed at all   in the three organizations.   that needed reassurance that a  from May 16 to June 10, 2006
            newly-industrializing coun-  More constructive work is   product is reliable and that it  on the Pont de la Machine.
            tries around the world and cur-  expected in the future from   will meet expectations in  The exhibition, which will
            rently has 69 participants.   these three equal partners with   terms of performance, safety,  survey IEC's work together
            Though participation in the   the primary goal of always   durability and other criteria.  with future projects, is to be
            ACP is not a form of IEC   serving their market. In addi-  For industry, such systems  inaugurated on May 16 in pre-
            membership, it offers a means   tion, the IEC wishes to main-  contribute to removing signifi-  sence of federal, cantonal,
            of participation in, and use of,   tain its commitment to coope-  cant delays and costs of multi-  municipal authorities and
            IEC standards without incur-  ration with all its international   ple testing and approval pro-  other representatives from the
            ring onerous costs.     standards partners whenever it   cedures, enabling business to  public sector such as SIG and
                                    is in the common interest and   be conducted faster while still  Electrosuisse.
            For the IEC, newly-industria-  benefit of both the organiza-  marketing reliable products.
            lizing economies stand to gain   tions' communities.                   A special IEC Centenary
            most by focusing on the basics                 As the market is very deman-  Challenge competition for
            to help establish solid founda-  The organization also encou-  ding, with expectations of new  papers was launched in
            tions for the future and its   rages industrializing nations to   products from the IEC, the  October 2005 in partnership
            conformity assessment sys-  share in the benefits ofjoining   organization draws on its track  with lEE (the largest profes-
            tems can help with procure-  in its work and liaises closely   record as an innovator in brin-  sional engineering society in
            ment by simplifying regulato-  with the International   ging such products to the mar-  Europe), IEEE (Institute of
            ry control of imports and   Monetary Fund (IMF), the   ket, an example being online  Electrical and Electronics
                                                           databases such as IEC 60417  Engineers), VDE (Germany's
            exports without compromi-  European
                                                           for graphical symbols. The  Association for Electrical,
            sing quality. The programme   Reconstruction
            is also considered as a first   Development (EBRD), the   icons for fast-forward, stop  Electronic &Information
            step towards becoming a full   World Bank and the United   and for pause that you find on  Technologies), and in associa-
            IEC member.             Nations
                                                           audio systems and iPods are  tion with The Economist.
                                    Programme (UNDP).      but three well-known exam-
            Collaboration with inter-                      ples that come from this data-  Particularly intended for the
            national and regional   Prepared for increasing   base. Putting it online gives  academic world, the contest
            partners                complex technology     product developers much  aims to highlight the econo-
                                                           quicker access to the informa-  mic, business and social
            Harmonizing standards being   With rapid technological   tion they need to do their jobs.  impact of International
            a key strategic factor, the IEC   changes and shortened                Standards. Approved papers
            works closely with other inter-  product life-cycles, the IEC   This characteristic of the JIEC  will be judged by a panel of
            national bodies and regional   recognizes the need to develop   is also reflected outside its  distinguished leaders from
            standardization organizations.   International Standards based   offices as it has become  business, academia, govern-
            These include WTO, the   on market demand. To that   known in the standardization  ment and the media. Prizes of
            International Organization for   end, the organization is pla-  community as an innovator  USD 15 000, USD 5 000 and
            Standardization (ISO), the   cing great effort on reducing   for standardization. For exam-  USD 2 000 are to be given to
            International  the average development time    ple IEC's use of an  the first, second and third pla-
                                                                          working  ces, respectively. The deadline
            Telecommunication (ITU),   for its standards and increa-  electronic-only
            the United Nations Economic   sing output while maintaining   environment and its streamli-  for papers is 31 May, 2006
            Commission for Europe   quality. One way of addres-  ned processes for developing  (more information is available
            (UNECE), the World Health   sing this important need has   standards along with decentra-  at:www.iecchallenge.og).
            Organization, CENELEC, the   been the organization's use of   lized systems have empowe-

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