Page 20 - DIVA_No.24_2006
P. 20

Impressions of Sudan

                                      while Prince Ben-Talal   Southern Sudan the
                                      from Saudi Arabia is    infrastructure has been
                                      constructing a new      damaged, and there is not
                                      shopping mall. These    a single road in the whole
                                      developments and other   of the South. However,
                                      construction projects   people have recently
                                      confirm that changes are   started to move back and
                                                              the local government has
                                      Sudanese capital.       even hired a company to
                                                              carry out urban planning   President of Congo, Denis
                                                                                      Sassou Nguesso, President
                                      In January, Khartoum    so as to provide the city   of the African Union
                His Excellency Ali Ahemed   hosted the African Union   with the necessary infras-
                Kern, Secretary of State for
                                      Summit where the        tructure. Despite the
                the Ministry of Foreign
                                      President of Congo,     problems, Sudan is still
                                      Denis Sassou Nguesso,   the biggest country on
                                                              the whole African
                T    he first impres-  was elected President of   continent and the
                                      the African Union. The
                     sion you have
                     upon arriving in   Sudanese government   potential for business and
                Khartoum is that all the   had put a lot of effort   investment is huge.
                men are dressed in    into the Summit, with   When the Secretary of
                white  djellabas  with   the building of a new   State for the Ministry of
                turbans on their heads,   conference centre to host   Foreign Affairs, His   Mr. Alpha Oumar Konare,
                walking in a distinguis-  presidents, delegates and   Excellency Ali Ahemed   the A U chairman
                hed manner and        journalists from the    Kerti, received us, he
                carrying black ebony   whole African continent.   stressed Sudan's wish for   groups scattered around
                walking sticks-that's   Let us mention also the   peace and stability so that   this huge country that is
                the national costume in   well-equipped press   they can continue develo-  six times the size of
                Northern Sudan. The   centre equipped with    ping the country so that it   France and thirty-two
                women, on the other   more than 100 new com-  becomes a better place   times the size of
                hand, wear long shirts   puters and the latest   for the Sudanese people   Switzerland.
                and skirts, as Sudan is   technologies (wifi, fax,   to live in. There are fifty-
                first and foremost a   telephone, etc.) that the   three different ethnic
                Muslim country, with a   Government had set up
                minority of Christians   for the more than 300
                in the South.         journalists covering the
                                      Summit. Nobody can
                Years after the signing   deny that every
                of the peace agreement   condition was met in
                in Nairobi, and even if   order to make life as
                some people claim that   painless as possible for
                there are some weak   the journalists.
                points in that agree-
                ment, people in general   Despite the optimism,
                tend to be optimistic   there are still problems
                about the future. New   to be solved after
                buildings are popping   twenty-one years of civil
                up all over Khartoum,   war. In Khartoum there
                and new roads and     are about 2 million
                bridges are being built.   internally displaced per-
                Chinese companies are   sons, mainly refugees
                investing extensively   from the South who have
                and control Sudan Oil;   fled the war zone. In
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