Page 22 - DIVA_No.24_2006
P. 22

Interview with Ramesh


                           Rajasi ngham, Chief, UNOCHA Sudan

                                  Ramesh Rajasingham, Chief   UNOCHA Sudan in his office in Khartoum

                                  Q: Could you tell us some-  encompass ten different   Our role is to bring NGOs and
                                  thing about yourself?    countries.              UN agencies together for
                                                                                   interagency assessments, to
                                  I have been in Sudan for a   We undertake field-based   identify the needs and co-
                                  little more than two years.   co-ordination of humanitarian   ordinate a response to these
                                  Prior to this, since 1990 1   activities in all domains. To   needs in the critical sectors.
                                  worked with OCHA,        do this are also in the "deep-
                                  UNICEF or humanitarian   field", which means that we   We are also responsible for
                                  agencies in various countries.   go into isolated and difficult   making sure that humanitari-
                                  I spent a few years in   places where you find very   an workers have access to
                                  Afghanistan immediately   few other agencies. We also   vulnerable persons. This is
                                  after the Soviets left, in Iran,   oversee co-ordination activi-  essential in Sudan and espe-
                                  in Bosnia and, just before   ties by facilitating them here   cially in Darfur because the
                                  coming here, I spent seven   in Khartoum and Juba. We   security situation and some-
                                  years in New York, so I have   used to have a large office in   times restrictive operational
                                  experience of both the field   Nairobi providing support to   constraints, etc., may impede
                                  and headquarters.        South Sudan this has now   our access. We are responsi-
                                                           moved to Juba.          ble for the negotiations that
                                  My background is develop-                        ensure that access.
                                  ment economics, but I have   We support the Humanitarian
                                  been working in the humani-  Co-ordinator, who is also the   In addition we have a critical
                                  tarian field for the whole of   Deputy Representative of the   role in advocating for the pro-
                                  my UN career.            Secretary-General. In real   tection of the rights of vulner-
                                                           terms, this requires that we   able persons. If we hear about
                                  Q: What is OCHA doing in   are present in twenty different   abuses going on in the field,
                                  Sudan?                   locations in the country. In   we raise the issue either with
                                                           each location we have one or   relevant UN officers, local
                                  OCHA's operation in Sudan is   two expatriate staff. In Darfur   and national authorities  	to
                                  the biggest in the world. We   we have more of them work-  get the appropriate action
                                  employ over 200 persons in   ing in the offices. The field   taken.
                                  North and South Sudan of   staff is OCHA's backbone -
                                  which more than fifty are   they are amazing people   On of OCHA's key responsi-
                                  international staff. Sudan is   doing great work in very diffi-  bilities is the preparation of
                                  the biggest country in Africa.   cult environments.   the annual UN Work-Plan for
                                  It is so vast that it could really               all the agencies - a document

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