Page 26 - DIVA_No.24_2006
P. 26

Interview         with   Pat  Banks,   Co-ordinator                  and   founder

              of  the   Integrated         Regional        Information          Network

                 (IRlrV)  celebrated    its    to  lielp   with   co-ordination,

             tenth  year  of  operation last    but  it  gives people early

             year. A  paW of  the United  wanmg  about wliat  was

             Nations  Office  for  the Co-  happeningand also wliat is

             ordination    of    Huinan   tlie likely  progiiosis  for

             Activities    (OCHA),    yet   inde-    ceitaiii   events.   When   I  rea-
             pendent,   IRIAT   was  establis-    ched   Rwanda-it    was   post-
             hed   in  1995   to  provide    accu-    Genocide   in  early   1995-I

             rate and  tiinely  inforination   felt ii'i that tliere had been a
             about   the  Great   Lakes   crisis    great   deal  of   infonnation
             so   that   the   huinanitarian     available    indicating    tliat
             comiminiffl  woxdd be better  the tlu'eat of genocidewas

             iidorined  of  complex  situa-  growing   and also later

             tions   and  events.   Initiated   as  a   when    it   was   happeniiig.
             textservice    coveringRwanda,     Maiiy   people   were   saying
             Burundi    and   the   Dentocratic     that   there   was   not   enorigh
             Republic   of   the   Congo   infoi'mation    and that it was not  corinhy   from   withii'i   tliat   coun-  conflict    in  DRC   becaine   more
             (DRC),todaylRINisainulti-     beingdissemiiiatediitthei'ight  hy.  Second,   we   were   working  and   more   sei'ioris   and   drew   in
             media   hxunanitarian    news    way.  I  felt   that   we  corild   do  with   electronic    mail.   It  was  a  more   cotuiti'ies.   So,  from   that
             service covering   six@-one  better.SoI put a proposal toge-  tiine   wlien   tlie  e-mail   system  point   all,   we   staited   doing   the

             countries    throughout     sub-    ther   to  look   at  how   we  corild  was   still   veiy   new.   Ill   Rwanda  daily   reports   that   yori   see

             SaharanAfrica,  parts  ofAsia   help disseininate infoi'ination-  there  was   frequently   no   elech'i-  today.
             and,    since   last    year,    the    iinpoitant     infonnation-to    tlie  city   and  no  Intei'net   connec-
             Middle    East.        w'dest  possible   aridience   in   the  tions.   This   made   it  difficult    to  Nairobi   is  still   the  main   base.
                                    l'iope   that   nobody   would   ever  do  the   tliigs    we   wanted   to  do.  We   have   an  office   for   Sorithem
             Over  its  years  of operations,  again  be  able  to  say  tliat  we   did  So  we   cliose   Nairobi.  Afi'ica   based   in  Joliannesburg,
             IRIN    has   evolved    iido   an  not   laiow   that   a  genocide   was  aiid  tliere   is  another   one  for
             innovative    news   service  provi-  fomenting.    That   was   tlie   ratio-  We  were   pi'iinai'ily    looking   at  WestAfrica    in  Dalcar.   We   liave
             ding   news   and   analyses,   )'7/111  nale   for   starting   IRIN.  tlmee    cormh'ies:     Rwanda,  a sub-office    in  Abidjan    and

             docuinentaries, TVnews  foo-                  Burundi    and   Eastei'n   DRC  another    one   in   Libei'ia.    We
             tage,  photo    services,    radio  I  was   veiy   luclcy.   I  was  wor-  where   refugees   had   congrega-  have   a  radio   project   office   iii
             training    and   coideid    packa-  lciiig    for   the   Deparhnent     of  ted.  From   there,   veiy   quickly  Angola.   That's  just   forAfi'ica!
             ges that focus O/I  key huinani-  Huinanitai'ian    Affairs   (DHA),  iii   1996   as  yori  know,   the   DRC
             tarian   issues   and  emerging    or  wlfflch   was  the  forei'uiiner    of  conflict   became   acute   and   also  We   are   working    now   with
             neglected    crises.   These   servi-  OCHA.   Veiy   foitiuately,    they  impacted   on  otl'ier   counti'ies.  Central   Asia   where   orir   office

             cesare provided  free  of  char-  liked   the  idea  of   having   this  So  many   other   counti'ies,   both  is  in   Ankara,   with   other   smal-
             ge  to  ensure   the   widest  possi-  infoi'nnation     stiucture     in  across   sorithemAfi'ica    and  also  ler  offices    in  Islamabad   and
             hie accessto tliis information.  Nairobi   aiined   predoininately  to  the  west,   becaine   iiivolved.  Kabul.   We   liave  just   opened   an

                                    at   the   Great   Africaii    Lakes  We   expaitded   the  operations    to  office   iii   Dubai   for   the  Middle
             You   are   tlie   person    behind  Region,    since   it  would   belp  cover   tliese   areas  too.   When   I  East.   We  have   a  liaison   office
             IRIN.   VVlxat  was  your   inotiva-  facilitate   the  flow   of   infoi'ina-  started   IRIN   I  did  not  really  here  in  Geneva   and  another
             tion?                  hon.                   have   a  vision   of  wi'iting   many  one  iii  New   York.   So,  today,
                                                           reports-certainly     not    daily  we   have   sixty-three    staff  mem-
             I  have   always   been   an  iiffor-    hy    did   you   choose   Naimbi  reports.   The   idea   was   we  bers.   In   addition,   in   each   of  tl'ie
             mation   person.   I  was   a jouina-     and   not   somewhere    else,  such  would   look   at  the  backgroru'id  cointi'ies    wliere   we   are   not
             list   in  my   foi'i'ner   life   before   I    asAddisAbaba?  infoi'ination.    We  would   big  present   we  liave   a  local   cor-
             joined    the   United    Nations.            together   the  infonnation    that  respondent.    Tis    means   that
             Then   I joined   CARE,   working     We  were   only   concemed   by  already   existed,   making   sure  we  have   sixty-six   local    cor-
             in  camps   in   Thailand    for   refit-    the    Great    African     Lalces  that   it  was  accrirate,.,   and  then  respondents   who   submit   sto-
             gees  coining   from   Cai'nbodia.     Region.   We   needed   to  be  close  creatiiig   a platfomi    for   sendiiig  ries  and  infoi'ination    and  get
             From   there   I joined   the   United     to  the  Great   Lakes,   and   to  the  it   orit  to   a wider   audience.  paid   for   it.  These   "sh'ingers"

             Nations   in  Ethiopia,   and  then    counti'ies   concemed.   Etiopia  Where   there   were   gaps   in  the  ensure   a  pennanent    presence
             went   orit   to  other   places,   such    was   not   at that  tii'ne   concei'ned.  contextual   background   ' infor-  on  the   ground   in   eveiy   hot

             as    Sudan,    Angola,     Butitwasnotpossibletocai'iy  mation,   we   would   help   people  spot,  as  they   enable   IRIN   to
             Mozainbique    and  then   even-    out    tlie    operation     from  understand   why   things   were  continue    repoiting    directly
             tually   the  Caucasus   and  then    Rwandaeitherfortworeasons.  happening.    It   became   clear  from   areas  where   regular   {JN
             back   to  Rwanda   in  1995.    First,   it  is  not   easy   to  circulate  very   early   on  that   there   was  a  staff   would   not   be  allowed   to
                                    what   is  considered    to  be  qriite  need   for   a  daily   repoiting    ser-  go  for   security   reasons.
             I  l'iave   always   felt   that   infor-    sensitive   infomiation    about   a  vice,    particularly     as   the
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