Page 23 - DIVA_No.24_2006
P. 23

that is primarily humanitari-
              an. Making sure that all
              sectors receive adequate
              response, trying to identify
              gaps and cracks that might
              otherwise go unseen, prioiri-
              tizing the use of the limited
              resources at hand, advocating
              for overlooked issues etc. It is
              a huge amount of work. That
              is what co-ordination is really
              about. It is about speaking to
              people, making sure that we
              are all working towards
              accomplishing the same
              vision, facilitating access,
              facilitating communication.
              Communication is very
              important. If there is no or
              weak communication, coordi-
              nation will lose its effective-
                                      roads than South Sudan.   others in squatter areas,   ity to continue their liveli-
              We are essentially gatherers   South Sudan has no roads.   some are mixed in with the   hoods is not affected.
              of information; that is one of   The problem in Darfur is   local population. There has
              our important tasks. With that   insecurity. People do not   not been a complete regis-  Q:  What does OCHA do in
              information we can provide   want to travel on these roads   tration of them so we do not   the camps?
              better co-ordination.   since there are bandits,   know the specific number,
                                      attacks, hijackings, kidnap-   but we have a rough idea of   First, we identify the dis-
              Q:  For some time the press   pings 	                                   placed persons whom the
                                            all sorts of security
                                                              how many they are—about
              has been saying less about the   concerns.      2 million. They are the   authorities plan to move.
              situation in Darfur. r.  Are you                mainly southerners who   Then we go and negotiate
              afraid that people will forget   With our people in the field,   came here during the   with the Government—the
              about the crisis that is going   communication is mainly   almost 20 year civil war   Governor of Khartoum state
              on there?               verbal over the telephone and   between the SPLM and the   and at the same time
                                      through c-mails done con-  government in Khartoum.   arranged for assessments of
              It is true that interest had   stantly through the day - and            areas to which they plan to
              declined. But recently there   often through the night as   So Khartoum is a place   move the IDPs and others.
              has been much more about   well. They always keeping us   where we have been   These persons have to be
              Darfur in the international   up to date, so we have a very   involved in highlighting the   moved to places where they
              press, as the situation has   good picture of the needs of   needs of the IDPs. Last year   have access to water, health
              been getting worse. The secu-  vulnerable groups, the risks   there were a series of demo-  services, livelihoods, etc. It is
              rity situation has deteriorated.   and the threats they face, the   litions of some of the squat-  a very serious issue if such
              I was here at the beginning of   protection abuses on the pop-  ter areas where the IDPs   moves make families who
              2004 when the crisis really   ulation and the delivery of   were living. Their shelters   were
              erupted. For a period we did   assistance to cater to the   and houses were destroyed.   support themselves into
              see a marked improvement in   needs of the vulnerable. This   They lost whatever meagre   humanitarian cases because
              the situation - but recently   is because we have a strong   means they had to survive.   they have lost their liveli-
              have been significant rever-  presence and professionals in   Some lost their lives.   hoods and access to services.
              sals. There are not so many   the field.        Others were moved physi-  So that's the negotiation pro-
              problems with the massive                       cally, by truck, to areas far   cedure but it is not an easy
              displacement of people, but   Q:  What does OHA do in   away from roads and com-  task.
              certainly in terms of security   Northern Sudan?   munications, which meant
              of civilians - primarily the                    that they lost their jobs.   We have managed to prevent
              displaced - we are very con-  In fact, we consider Darfur to   The Government moved   some of these forced move-
              cerned. More so than in 2005.   be part of the North. We are   them because it said that   ments with some success, but
              Q:   People say that there are   also present in Khartoum   they are re-planning the   we have also had some
              no roads in Darfur—that   where, for example, there are   town—rezoning. In any city   failures. There have been
              there is nothing. So how do   enormous numbers of inter-  such planning takes place,   people who have actually
              you obtain information?   nally displaced persons   but it should be done in   been moved to the desert,
                                       (IDPs). They are spread   such a way that people are   and in the summertime in
              Darfur actually has better   about 	                                    Khartoum the temperature
                                                              compensated and their abil-
                                            some live in camps,
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