Page 4 - DIVA_1_2022
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Sommaire                                                                                                                Editorial

                 International                           Culture

                 6    Interview with                     38  Interview de
                      Ozodbek Nazarbekov                      Ilhom Yabarboyev
                                                                                                                                      Year of Peace and Trust ends – 
                 8    Interview with                     42  Templars and                                                                                    our work continues !
                      Yuri Sterk                              Freemasonry in Ireland
                                                                                                                                      In  September  2019,  just  on  the  The  most  effective  way
                 12  Bulgaria dance                      44  Ambassadors’ Recipes to                                                  brink of the global health crisis, the  to  diminish  human
                                                              Foster Peace Dialogue                                                   United  Nations  General  Assembly  suffering, as well as the
                 14  Interview with                                                                                                   proclaimed 2021 the International  huge  economic  costs
                      H.E. Mr. Khalil-ur-                48  Dr Noha Baz                                                              Year of Peace and Trust.  This  was  of  conflicts  and  their
                                                                                                                                      GA  Resolution  73/338,  adopted  on  aftermath,  is  to  prevent  conflicts
                      Rahman HASHMI                           pédiatre, écrivaine,                                                    the  initiative  of  Turkmenistan,  and  from  happening.  Preventive  diplo-  leaders  and  political  spectra.  The
                                                              gastronome…                                                             it  reaffirmed  “…the  Charter  of  the  macy  is  diplomatic  action  taken  to  international diplomatic community
                 18  Interview with                                                                                                   United  Nations  and  its  purposes  prevent  disputes  from  escalating  is a vital part of this, because of the
                      Gry Tinde                          52  Aline Kundig,                                                            and  principles,  and  especially  the  into  conflicts,  and  limit  the  spread  trust it has created.
                                                              photographe genevoise                                                   commitment  to  settle  disputes  of  conflicts  when  they  occur.  Its
                                                                                                                                      through  peaceful  means  and  the  most common form is in the work of  We  at  Diva  International  Diplomat
                 22  From “Agenda for Peace” to                                                                                       determination  to  save  succeeding  Special Envoys, who are dispatched  will continue to provide a platform
                      Dialogue Among Civilizations                                                                                    generations  from  the  scourge  of  to crisis areas to encourage dialogue  aimed  at  enhancing  dialogue,
                                                                                                                                      war....”  The  Resolution  recognized  which will resolve tensions peacefully.  welcoming all views. Our dedicated
                 24  Credentials for Geneva                                                                                           the  indispensable  role  global  peace  However, all this vital work has one  team  aim  to  contribute  to  trust,
                      Recognizing the important                                                                                       and  trust  play  in  the  achievement  prerequisite,  which  is  fragile  and  peace,  and  all  that  International
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Geneva represents.
                                                                                                                                      of  sustainable  development  goals,  difficult to restore – Trust.
                      role of the Permanent Missions                                                                                  action  on  climate  change,  peace,
                      in Geneva                                                                                                       security,  and  human  rights  –  all  “Breaking  bread”  together  is  not  The  city  of  Geneva  planted  the
                                                                                                                                      an  essential  part  of  building  back  just  food  diplomacy,  it  sows  the  seeds  of  international  cooperation
                 30  Ecole Moser :                                                                                                    better.                         seeds of trust, building bridges that  in  the  middle  ages,  then  nurtured
                                                                                                                                                                      strengthen  and  test  it.  This  needs  the  shoots  of  peace  action  two
                      60 ans d’innovation                                                                                             However,  2021  presented  a  serious  dialogue among individuals, nations,  centuries ago, leading to the growth
                      pédagogique                                                                                                     challenge  to  global  leaders  and  or  cultures,  and  takes  different  of multilateralism 100 years ago and
                                                                                                                                      institutions due to unprecedented and  forms  –  political  talks,  meetings,  its  blossoming  in  Geneva  today.
                                                                                                                                      unpredictable conditions. Adequately  conferences  and  symposiums,  joint  This  led  to  ‘International  Geneva”,
                                                                                                                                      protecting  the  population  against  events or even the arts.   the  concept  first  announced  from
                                                                                                                                      COVID-19,  while  reconciling  their                           the  UNOG  rostrum  almost  three
                                                                                                                                      opposing  needs,  created  distrust.  The  UN  is  the  only  truly  universal  decades ago, turning the vision into
                                                                                                                                      The world is slowly emerging from  global  organization,  providing  a  reality. In past years this concept has
              The views expressed are the     Mailing address:               Editor: Marit Fosse                                      this shock, and we need to cure this  full  set  of  instruments  to  achieve  been  reinforced  and  become  more
              responsibility of the authors and do   DIVA International Diplomat  Deputy editor: Evelina Rioukhina                    “trust  deficit  disorder”,  and  restore  peace  or  settle  disputes  peacefully  visible;  perhaps  the  only  one  not
              not necessarily reflect the views   p/a Salle de Presse 1                                                               our  most  precious  value  –  Peace.  using  diplomacy,  envoys,  good  affected  by  the  pandemic  backlash.
              of DIVA                         Palais des Nations             Graphic Design: Iris Hariz                               In this aftermath, we will need new  offices  and  mediation.  The  passing  Trust in Geneva is solid and strong
              ©      1211 Geneva 10                                                                        ® approaches to be successful.    year  demonstrated  this  yet  again,  – in the times to come, let us all work
                                              Tel: +41 22 917 43 01          Contributing to this issue:                                                              but  also  that  Geneva  is  the  only  together to make it stronger !
              DIVA International is a publication                            Jean-Michel Wissmer,                                     Maintaining  peace  and  security  place that can guarantee and assure
              of Graficim Media Ltd           E-mail:                        Mario Apostolov, Evelina Rioukhina,                      usually   include    preventive  neutrality  for  dialogue,  whether       Evelina Rioukhina
              29 Linconl’s Inn Field, Holborn,  Christian David, Ita Marguet,                          diplomacy,  peacekeeping,  peace-  between individuals, delegations, or
              WC2A3EE, England                                               Pierre-Michel Virot, Ryan Kennedy,                       building, countering terrorism, and  summit meetings of political leaders.
                                                                             Ekaterina Pinchevskaya                                   disarmament.  All  are  important,  For  many  decades  Geneva  has
              ISSN: 1660-1934                                                                                                         but  preventive  diplomacy  is  vital.  engendered trust from all countries,

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