Page 6 - DIVA_1_2022
P. 6


                                                                                                                                      We have gone through a very difficult situation
                                                                                                                                      everywhere.  How  was  the  situation  for  the
                                                                                                                                      Uzbek artists?
                                                                                                                                      It  was  a  very  difficult  situation  in  2020,  but
                                                                                                                                      now the situation is stabilized. All the persons
                                                                                                                                      working  in  the  Ministry  of  Culture  are

                                                                                                                                      During  the  pandemic  situation,  there  were
                                                                                                                                      no  concerts  or  cultural  gatherings  not  even
                                                                                                                                      weddings. The population got used to different
                                                                                                                                      forms of social life, and that was the reason
                                                                                                                                      why we were slow to re-open all the theatres,
                                                                                                                                      museums, and exhibitions.

                                                                                                                                      For  the  people  in  the  countryside  and
                                                                                                                                      in  the  towns,  there  was  only  one  type  of
                                                                                                                                      entertainment for them – and even that was
                                                                                                                                      abandoned.  So  that  is  the  reason  why  we   “Actually, Maqam, from a scientific point of 
                                                                                                                                      decided to open the social venues for them.  view, is in no way inferior to operatic music.”

                                                                                                                                      The  Uzbeks  love  to  visit  people,  relatives.  I
                                                                                                                                      do not know why, but it’s perhaps due to our
                                                                                                                                      heritage. So, today, all the social venues are
              Interview with His Excellency                          this arena. For instance, our recent relationship                open, and there have been no cases of new   What about the other types of art? Visual arts
                                                                                                                                                                             for instance?
              Ozodbek Nazarbekov                                     with Tajikistan, with which we have had some                     In our globalized world, how do you protect   In  Uzbekistan  we  have  art  academies,  but
                                                                                                                                                                             these are under another ministry, not under
                                                                     misunderstandings, did not prevent us from
              Minister of Culture of Uzbekistan                      having cultural events in their country. I have                  Uzbek  culture  from  the  influence  of Coca   the  authority  of  the  Ministry  of  Culture.
                                                                     performed there myself.                                          Cola and other such entities pushing what is   However, in some music schools painting is
              It is not every day that you have a chance to meet a world-famous                                                       basically a commercial culture?        taught,  and  these  are  under  the  Ministry  of
              singer, who has also become the Minister of Culture. His songs are   I  knew  President  Mirziyoyev  when  he  was      It is a subject that we can talk about for hours   Culture. Approximately 30% of places in the
              very well known to most Uzbeks as His Excellency used to be one   the Prime Minister. He liked my music and             and hours. All generations are involved in this   music  schools  are  allocated  to  low-income
              of the most popular artists in his country.            asked  me  often  to  perform.  Later  on,  he                   endeavor.                              children, and the tuition is free of charge. There
                                                                     asked me to be a member of the team. It was                                                             are lots of opportunities for the children.
              His singing makes the words go directly to the heart of the listeners.   a good experience, and I learned to conduct    It  seems  to  me  that  you  have  a  very  strong
              There is not a person in the country who would say the contrary.   meetings,  organize  events  and  to  become  a      popular culture.                       Do you sing Maqam yourself?
              As soon as you mention his name, the first response is the beauty   politician. The President taught me a lot about     This is the result of an overarching decision   I  would  really  want  the  people  of  Europe
              of his voice and words. His Excellency was also often invited to   politics, and about how to be in the public eye      made  on  the  government’s  side.  It  was   to  get  acquainted  with  and  appreciate  our
              perform at official gatherings. A living icon many would say, when   in that context.                                   necessary  to  establish  basics  regarding  the   Maqam.  We  are  even  willing  to  assist  them
              they talk about him. We had a chance to meet with His Excellency                                                        Third Renaissance, regarding music, culture,   in  this  matter.  Actually,  Maqam,  from  a
              who, despite his very busy schedule, took time to receive us for   I  started  my  political  career  as  a  Deputy     dance as well. It is imperative for us to be aware   scientific point of view, is in no way inferior
              more than an hour and to reply to all our numerous questions. Your   Minister  of  Culture.  I’m  not  a  bureaucrat    of our cultural heritage and our cultural past.   to  operatic  music.  Ordinary  people  did  not
              Excellency, the floor is yours…                        and  dislike  protocol.  [Editor’s  note:  As  His               For example, without knowing about Maqam,   understand  the  art  of  Maqam  because  they
                                                                     Excellency  is  an  artist  at  heart,  this  is  quite          you would never be interested in that type of   were under-educated. You need to have read
                                                                     understandable.]                                                 art, so, today schools teach Maqam.    at least 50 books to understand this type of
                               You were a famous and very popular singer,                                                                                                    music, so it was really a music form for the
                               and  today  you  are  the  Minister  of  Culture.  Do you think you are born an artist, or do you      Next year we plan to open music and singing   elites. It is proven that Maqam influences our
                               How was it to go from the artist to the other  become one?                                             courses for children in the kindergartens and   psychology, and that it touches our soul in a
                               more political side?                  I am convinced that I was born an artist. It is a                to  make  them  familiar  with  music  such  as   way. This type of entertainment is very ancient.
                               I started my career as a singer and conducted  gift from God. At the age four, I decided that I        Maqam. We are also setting up some special   It  was  my  predecessors  in  the  Soviet  times
                               concerts for approximately 15 years.  would become a singer! At that age, I did not                    dance and singing courses, and these are free   who  classified Maqam  as  folklore  and who
                               In our culture, politics does not play a role in  know if I was going to become a good artist.         of charge.                             relegated Maqam to the folklore arena.

                                                                           w  w w .  d  i v a  i  n t  e  r  n  a t  i  o  n  a  l . c  h  w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
                                                                           w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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