Page 4 - TheGreatest2Minutes
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Cibelli buys for individual owners and If a client is interested in a yearling, they
partnerships. She will also help owners call Jane directly, and she will explain
team with others to create partnerships, why the horse made her short list. If two
or, often, race under the banner of clients are interested in the same hip
Goodwood Racing. number, she will sometimes put them
together as partners, or else learn what
After the team examines every yearling the bidding threshold of each will be.
on the preliminary short list, Flynn
creates a shorter list and sends it out to When Jane represents a private client
prospective clients looking to buy. The at a yearling auction, she often is on the
list is simple – hip numbers (the number telephone with the client during the
assigned to a horse in a catalog) and bidding process to allow them to hear
whether the yearling is a colt or a filly and while she competes. As clients change
a ball park price. “The people I do best their mind, want to quit or want to go
for just say, ‘Find me a good horse,’” higher, she is communicating with them
Cibelli says. right there on the phone.
“My tendency is to go for horses that
will run longer and turf. I want a horse
that can run a route of ground. It’s my
experience that, as 2-year-olds, horses
that run longer last longer.”