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        Goodwood Racing, a for-profit Limited
        Liability Company (LLC) founded in 2010
        and is headquartered Safety Harbor,
        is the syndicate arm of Cibelli Racing. Jane
        is fully vested in every partnership of
        Goodwood Racing and prepares and
        works with the yearling purchases through
        all stages of their career and retirement.

        Clients have comprehensive access
        to information, guidance and services.
        When a horse is racing, Goodwood Racing
        provides past performances, direction for
        accommodations, reserved seating, or a
        box. The company controls its own vans,                   “Buying into the partnerships is a
        so Goodwood’s horses have great                           very good way to diversify your
        flexibility in where and when they race.                  risk and diversify the expense,”

                                                                  Flynn says. “It’s also a really good
        The program, with its specialized
        personnel, is designed for optimally                      way to learn about the business
        efficient management and care of horses                   in the beginning for those a little
        on a daily basis. Through sound business                  tentative about getting involved in
        practices, strong relationships, honesty,                 horse racing and learning all the
        and good humor, clients know the
        progress of their horses at all times.                    details. You have to have a group
                                                                  of horses to be successful; you can’t

        The Goodwood partnerships typically start                 just do it with one.”
        at 10% ($20,000) with any partner having
        the ability to purchase more shares if
        available. Jane always purchases one share
        for herself and Margo as managing partner.                Cibelli typically purchases yearlings in the
        Goodwood Partnerships always consist of                   range of $20,000 to $100,000, (the yearly
        three horses.                                             Goodwood budget is $200,000). “We are
                                                                  value shoppers”, continued Flynn.
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