Page 47 - Hibi no Kate
P. 47

                                     2020年11月1日 ご挨拶/お知らせ
 秋も深まって参りました。みなさまいかがお過ごしでしょうか。 これまで長きに渡りお交わりいただいておりました古屋和恵のことでお知らせします。

 古屋和恵は昨年12月17日カナダのオタワで召天、本人の遺言に従い甥のテッド・フルヤ が荼毘に付し、義弟のトム・ミズノの手により今年1月初め遺灰は無事羽田に空輸され、 日本の遺族のもとに帰りました。

 本人が生前から希望していた両親と弟・古屋安雄が眠る国際基督教大学教会墓地 (東京都 八王子市上川霊園) に、納骨致しました。


古屋和恵 在日遺族一同  
Autumn is underway as we speak. It is our hope that everyone is doing well. This notice announcement is regarding Kazue Furuya whom you all had experience spending time with.

On December 17 th last year Kazue Furuya has passed away. Ted Mizuno, nephew of Kazue Furuya has cremated at Ottawa of Canada according to her wishes. Ashes were transported by air on January this year to Haneda airport by, Tom MIZUNO, brother-in-law has made this arrangement possible.

Kazue`s ashes are at International Christian University church graveyard (Kamikawa, Hachioji, Tokyo cemetery) where her parents and her younger brother, Yasuo Furuya rest in peace.

We appreciate all the genuine friendship that Kazue was able to have with many of you. She is overlooking all of you from heavenly home.

Kazue Furuya and her bereaved family in Japan

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