P. 43

Pollution can produce                       People that migrate to
                                          several problems like an                     other countries look for a
                                             illness or epidemic                         place without Heath

                                                   issues.                                    problems.

                                           A bad environment can                        Some countries have a
                                                                                       serious problems related
        Environmental                           produce a bad                          with weather conditions

           problems                          production of foods.
                                                                                        or territorial instability.

                                           Natural disasters are the                     They look for a safe
                                             principal reason that                        place without risks.
                                               people migrate.

                  Step 4
                      -  Outline with three levels of development.

                  One  of  the  principal  effects  of  globalization  is  Migration.  It’s  considered  a  social
                  problem but it is necessary to people do it for specific and important reasons. The most

                  common  reasons  that  people  have  to  migrate  are  two:  Economic  problems  and
                  environmental problems. (TS)

                  I.  Economic problems (SP)
                     A. Migration is the bests alternative to get a lot of money in different kind of jobs

                        with a better economic situation. (DEV)

                     B. Extreme poverty is the principal effect for a bad economic. (DEV)
                     C. People look for a better lifestyle without concerns about money, basic need and

                        bad jobs.
                  I.  Environmental problems (SP)

                     A. Pollution is the origin of some illness and several health problems. (DEV)

                     B. Some  countries  can  be  considered  dangerous  places  because  of  their  natural
                        disasters or weather conditions. (DEV)
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