P. 57


                         In this semester I had the opportunity to study Writing II. I consider this subject
                  is very important to develop your abilities and skills to write in English. This subject

                  helped me in two important aspects: writing structure and academic writing skills.
                         The first aspect was improving writing structure. During this subject, I learned and

                  practiced  specific  exercises  to  write  in  a  better  way  my  opinions  or  ideas.  Writing
                  structure is a necessary topic that students need to learn, because if you want to write an

                  excellent  paragraph  or  an  excellent  essay,  the  first  step  that  you  should  know  is  the

                  correct structure and the different ways in that you can write them.
                         The  second  important  aspect  was  academic  writing.  I  consider  it’s  another  main

                  topic  to  improve  my  writing  abilities,  because  I  will  need  it  for  future  academic
                  assignments  such  as  my  thesis  or  research  works.  In  this  unit  I  learned  how  to

                  paraphrasing  or  include  academic  information  from  articles,  essays,  etc.  It  was  an
                  excellent  topic  where,  I  acquired  knowledge  about  quoting,  citing  sources  and

                  paraphrasing methods.

                         In conclusion, I can say that Writing II was one of the most important subjects that I
                  had  in  my  career.  Writing  structure  and  academic  writing  were  my  two  important

                  aspects that I improved in this semester.
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