Page 201 - tourism 2nd term 2021- 2022
P. 201

34. Don't believe anything he says; he's a sham.

a. not what he b. an imaginative              c. a good actor

pretends to be storyteller               d. a good player

35. They broke in and looted all the stores on Main Street.

a. damaged       b. burned down c. stole from d. took

36. Let's stroll through the park.

a. jog quietly b. walk slowly                 c. run rapidly

d. walk quickly

37. the manager upbraided Simmons for being late every day.

a. spoke severely b. punished c. dismissed d. criticized


38. Connelly lived in two dingy rooms.

a. small and crowded b. large and pleasant         c. dirty

d. dirty and cheerless

39. Jeremy has been high-handed lately.

a. thoughtful of others b. domineering             c. sensitive

d. generous

40. After the fire the whole block was a shambles

a. in ruins b. burned to the ground c. blackened by smoke

d. destroyed

41. The heat caused us to swelter.

a. be thirsty b. be very hot c. open the windows d. none

42. Romeo caressed Juliet lovingly.

a. put his arms around b. smiled at c. held hands with

d. treated

43. Try to be more succinct in your remarks.

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