P. 42

Date: November 11, 2017
               Name: Carlos Mayorga
               Task: Cause and Effect Essay

               Choose one of the topics given in the assignment of unit 3 and write a cause and effect essay
               following all the steps
               #4. Migration (the movement of people from one place to another) is part of globalization.
               write about the reasons that people migrate in today's world.

               Step 1. Make a list
                     More jobs and money
                     No lack of basic needs
                     Bigger paycheck
                     Less working hours
                     Better life styles
                     Brighter futures
                     Better health care
                     Better education system

               Step 2. Number the items
               1. More jobs and money
               2. No lack of basic needs
               1. Bigger paycheck
               2. Less working hours
               2. Better life styles
               1. Brighter futures
               2. Better health care
                2. Better education system

               Step 3. Make a cluster
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