Page 14 - Pastiche Vol 1 Edition 1 January 2019
P. 14
KYOO-MIN is a member of parsley family rooted in Iran. This complimentary
spice has won many hearts round the globe through its warm aroma & earthy,
nutty flavour. It is a staple spice in Mexican, Indian, African & Asian cuisines.
But besides culinary uses, the spices have medicinal properties of their own.
Likely originating in a region of the Eastern Skin Benefits Of Cumin:
Mediterranean called the Levant and
stretching east to India, Cumin (Cuminum 1. Treatment of Boils:
cyminum) has been in use as a spice for Regular usage of cumin in food and applying
thousands of years. In the ancient Egyptian vinegar with ground cumin seeds helps to
civilization, cumin was used as a spice and as keep skin, free from acne, boils, rashes, and
a preservative in mummification. In India, it pimples.
has been used for millennia as a traditional 2. Treatment of Skin Disorders:
ingredient in innumerable recipes, and To treat skin issues like pimples,
forms the basis of many other spice blends. boils, eczema, psoriasis and other skin
Cumin can be found in some cheeses, such disorders, add a dash of ground cumin
as Leyden cheese, and in some traditional powder to face pack.
breads from France.
3. Anti-Ageing Benefits:
Vitamin E present in cumin acts as an
antioxidant to combat the free radicals that
causes signs of ageing, like wrinkles, age
spots and sagging skin.
4. Cures Itchiness and Body Heat:
Bathing with water boiled and soaked with
cumin seed can cure body heat and skin
Being an excellent source of iron, cumin aids itchiness.
in digestion, boosts the immune system and
has anti-carcinogenic properties. Black 5. Treatment of Burning Sensation:
cumin seeds contain about 100 chemical Drinking water boiled with cumin seed can
compounds including vitamins, proteins, relieve the burning sensation of the palms
carbohydrates, minerals and fatty acids and the soles.
known for their healing qualities.
Cuminaldehyde, cymene, and terpenoids are 6. Cumin Face Pack for Glowing Skin:
the major volatile components of cumin oil Face pack for smooth and glowing skin can
which is used for a variety of be made by mixing finely ground turmeric
flavors, perfumes, and essential oil. and cumin in the ratio 3:1.
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