Page 18 - Pastiche Vol 1 Edition 1 January 2019
P. 18
9 Unexpected Side Effects Of Cumin Seeds
Like everything else, cumin seeds too come with its set of side effects. Here are a few of
1. Heartburn:
Cumin seeds are known for their gas relieving properties, but ironically cumin seeds
facilitate the eviction of more gas into your gastrointestinal tract and can cause heartburn.
2. Belching:
Cumin seed may cause excessive belching or burping, which involves excess bloating and gas
from the intestinal tract and stomach escaping through the mouth.
3. Liver Damage:
Oil present in cumin seed are highly volatile and can cause liver and kidney damage if one
consumes cumin seed in large amount for a long period of time. Cumin oil is used for animals
to prevent or alleviate muscle spasms.
4. Abortifacient Effects:
Consuming large amounts of cumin seeds may have an abortifacient effect on pregnant
women that can lead to a miscarriage or induce premature labor.
5. Narcotic Effects:
Cumin seed has narcotic properties and can become addictive. Other side effects of cumin
seed are mental clouding, drowsiness and nausea.
6. Heavy Menstrual Cycle:
Cumin seeds may lead to heavy bleeding during menstruation.
7. Low Blood Sugar Level:
Consuming cumin seeds in large amounts can lower the blood sugar level in the body.
9. Causes Allergy:
Consumption of cumin seeds can also cause skin rashes and allergy. So people with skin
allergy should consume cumin seeds in low amounts, if they must.
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