Page 2 - Pastiche Vol 1 Edition 1 January 2019
P. 2

With the onset of the New Year, we introduce to
                                            you the very first edition of our infotainment e-
                                           magazine “PASTICHE”. Being the editor-in-chief, I

                                               along with my team do feel super excited to
                                               present the world with this outstanding e-

                                            magazine.  Well we know everyone claims their
                                          ‘thing’ to be the most amazing or outstanding ... no
                                           eye-rolling please... What actually makes Pastiche

              Rajeev Pal                   outstanding is its complete balance of contents to

           Editor-in-Chief                      provide a freshness of mind and boost for
                                                knowledge for its readers.  Aimed to cater
                                           mankind from all phases and walks of life, the e-
                                             magazine serves as a compendium for readers

                                               especially in the fields of fashion designing,
                                           photography, make up, glamour, music, and films.

                                           Of course there is lot more to it and even more to
                                           come; I hope you will enjoy reading it as much as

                                            we could serve for now. Keeping it short, we do
                                                  thank all our readers to provide us the

                                          opportunity to be a part of your lives, and looking
                                               forward for more invitations to come as we
                                                                 progress further.

                                                        Healthy reading. Happy being.

    This magazine is a compilation work of information and photos collected from different books , newspapers and internet publications. No research on the subjects are done on personal ground.
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