Page 42 - verbo italiano
P. 42

32  /  Webster’s New World 575+ Italian Verbs

                        •  Verbs expressing opinion, belief: avere l’impressione (to have the
                          impression), credere (to believe), immaginare/immaginarsi (to immagine),
                          pensare (to think), supporre (to suppose).
                        •  Verbs expressing doubt, uncertainty: dubitare (to doubt), chiedersi/
                          domandarsi (to wonder), non essere sicuro (to not be sure), non sapere (to
                          not know), non capire (to not understand).
                        •  Verbs expressing emotions: augurarsi (to hope), avere paura (to be afraid),
                          dispiacere (to be sorry), essere contento/felice (to be glad/happy), non vedere
                          l’ora (to look forward), piacere (to like), preferire (to prefer), preoccuparsi (to
                          be worried), sperare (to hope), temere (to fear).
                        •  Verbs expressing will or desire: chiedere (to require), desiderare (to wish),
                          esigere (to require), impedire (to prevent), insistere (to insist), lasciare (to
                          let, to allow), ordinare (to order), pregare (to beg), pretendere (to demand),
                          proibire (to prohibit), proporre (to propose), suggerire (to suggest), vietare (to
                          forbid), volere (to want).
                        •  Verbs indicating expectations: aspettare (to wait), aspettarsi (to expect),
                          attendere (to wait).

                      The subjunctive is used only when the main clause and the subordinate clause
                      have two different subjects. An infinitive is used if there is no change of subject.
                      The preposition di is often required before the infinitive (see the Appendix of Verbs
                      Used with Prepositions for a listing of the verbs that require a preposition before
                      the infinitive).
                          Spero di arrivare presto.       I hope to arrive soon.
                          Spero che Luisa arrivi presto.   I hope Luisa arrives soon.

                      Impersonal verbs and expressions

                      Impersonal expressions are expressions with no specific subject: for example, “It
                      is important that. . . .” In Italian the subjunctive is used after certain impersonal
                      expressions of necessity, possibility, probability, and opinion that indicates the
                      speaker’s attitude.
                      Here is a list of impersonal expressions requiring the subjunctive:
                          (è un) peccato che              it is a pity that
                          bisogna che                     it is necessary that
                          è (im)possibile che             it is (im)possible that
                          è bene che                      it is good that
                          è giusto che                    it is right that
                          è importante che                it is important that
                          è necessario che                it is necessary that
                          è probabile/improbabile che     it is (im)probable that
                          è difficile che                 it is unlikely that
                          è facile che                    it is probable that
                          è incredibile che               it is incredible that
                          è l’ora che                     it is time that
                          è meglio che                    it is better that
                          è strano che                    it is strange that
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