Page 14 - TheRedSon_PrintInterior_430pp_5.5x8.5_9-22-2019_v1
P. 14

every  effort  to  see  my  art  struck  entirely  from  existence,
            if not just the headlines. Disguises and stealth and all the
            other maneuverings of common murder must occasionally
            intrude upon my artistic reverie. These distractions, in direct
            proportion to their exercise, diminishes the quality of my
            final  creation.  Or,  in  sum,  too  much  applied  reality  can
            damage—weigh-down—a would-be work  of transcendent
            art.  Given  this,  I  was  thrilled  the  calling  behind  the  list
            required  a  significant  departure  from  my  usual  catalogue
            of considerations. Some measure of self-awareness and
            strategy would be required, but I was largely flying blind,
            only a sheaf of paper for a rudder in uncertain skies.
               I  floated  through  thickets  and  meadows,  the  shadows
            of dead trees falling  across me, their  appreciably  colder
            shadows making gooseflesh of my exposed skin. The further
            into  the  woods  I  pushed,  the  more  treetops  and  brambles
            converged, exuding the shelter of gigantic, enclosed places.
            Like a carrot strung before a goat, I chased the specter of the
            Red Dream, the wolves, and the thing that became them.
               After weeks, something finally stirred within the mystery
            I  walked,  something  coming  into  focus,  if  not  clarity.  It
            was dusk, so I could still see through the growing darkness,
            even as the shadows quickly gnawed at the periphery of my
            vision. While the night was closing off the world, the pull of
            an invisible force kept me one step ahead of the advancing
            blackness. Soon, the night was all around me, framing me
            within a single blot of dying amber. The dim light drifted
            beyond me,  letting  the  darkness crawl  across my body,
            soft and silent. The shrinking twilight managed to survive
            only a few seconds longer before melting around a small
            wooden cabin, leaving behind a ghost of warmth the cold
            breeze quickly exorcised. The tugging became the slightest
            cobweb, persuading me in the direction  of the crumbling
            shack. I entered through a hole that had once been a door
            and strode into its blackened innards.

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