Page 5 - LUTON October Monthly eBook
P. 5


                                           to get your house

                                           spring sale ready

                       Following these tips will help you feel confident

                          when you launch your house on the market.

                 CLEAN AND                   to focus on the space            more spacious, and that’s
           1  DECLUTTER.                     themselves and envision          a huge benefit. Even in
            Simplest way to start            themselves living there.         those small or narrow

            getting your house ready         Whites, tans and greys are  spaces, it will make them
            for a spring sale is to          the safest options when it       seem bigger and more
            clean both inside and out.       comes to adding value and  inviting. Any dim areas
            Take out any personal            attracting interest.             in your house? Adding a
            items to make your home                                           lamp or installing new

            feel more spacious and                CHANGE YOUR                 lights can make all the
            create a neutral canvas  3 FIXTURES.                              difference. If you want to
            for buyers to imagine            Simple change of                 go one step further, for a
            themselves in any space.         fittings and fixtures can        very reasonable price of
            As to where to take your         completely update a              around $500 - $1000, a

            items, the Green Shed            bathroom, kitchen or             skylight can completely
            Canberra is a great place        laundry. Sometimes you           open up a hallway or
            to re-home your goods. If        might not have time to           staircase.
            your budget allows, hiring  do a complete update but
            a professional cleaner           changing up the small                 PRESENTATION.

            will help get everything         things can make an old  5 Staging is an
            looking spic and span            space feel new again.            important part of showing
            without lifting a finger.        Think black, chrome,             your home and can be
                                             rose gold and brass.             done by yourself or by
                 NEUTRAL                                                      professionals. Keep an

            2 COLOUR PAINT.                       NATURAL LIGHT.              eye on how rooms flow
            While you may love your  4  Open the curtains                     into each other, placing
            bright lemon yellow              and pull up the blinds,          furniture around to
            kitchen, sticking to neutral  it’s beautiful outside! It          maximise the feeling of
            colours will help the buyer  also makes a room feel               space and light.

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