Page 9 - LUTON October Monthly eBook
P. 9

Spring is the perfect time to get your                   TAKE AWAY TIPS:
            deck oiled as there no more frosty

            mornings and it is not too hot either.
            Most gardeners will recommend                                 Be pro-active
            pruning hedges and shrubs in late                      1 and service your

            winter or early spring.                                  cooling system before it
                                                                     becomes an emergency

            It is also a good time to consider weed                  repair during summer.
            spaying before the bout of spring

            growth. Pest control is always a hot                           Prune hedges
            topic when the weather warms up

            and those pesky spiders start to crawl                  2 and shrubs before
            around. We recommend getting this                        spring.

            done at least once a year.
                                                                           Get pest control

            "Be pro-active and service                              3 done before the

            your cooling system before                               warmer months.

            it becomes an emergency
            repair during summer."                                   As always your Property

                                                                     Manager can arrange

                                                                     any of these services

            Cooling services might be the last                       for you so please do
            thing on your mind right now, however,                   not hesitate to contact

            getting in early and servicing it before                 them to help get your
            the warmer months is always a                            investment property
            good idea as our trades are usually

            overloaded in summer and getting                         ready for spring.
            repairs done could take several weeks.

            Now is also the time for all owners with
            pools to start arranging summer pool

            maintenance plans.

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