Page 2 - GRAND IHTIFAL 2018 (Besut)
P. 2
02 NOV 2018, 24 SAFAR 1440H
و عب لا نيلس رملا و ءايبن لاا مت اخ ئلع م لاسلا و ة لاصلا و نيمل اعلا ب ر الله د محلا ميح رل ا ن ام ح رلا الله مسب
نيعم ج ا هبحص و هلا ئل ع و دمحم نيمل اعلل ةمحر ث
Dear Respected Parents of Graduating Little Caliphs
Welcome to the Grand Ihtifal Day of Little Caliphs Kindergarten
One to three years ago, you sent your preschool child to us, and how fast time passes. Today
they are graduating from Little Caliphs and will soon leaving for a new world of learning at
primary school.
Throughout the years, our teachers had dedicatedly inculcated the love of Islam and knowledge
to them as an early preparation forthem to become pious slave of Allah, Khalifah of Allah and
ummat Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. We have also strived to give them an integrated learning program
aiming to enable the children to learn more knowledge and faster as compared to their peers in
conventional kindergarten.
Believing that your children are intelligent and deserve more, we also seek apology for any
setback throughout your children learning at Little Caliphs.
What is more important after this is that the children continue to practice all the goodness
that they have acquired at Little Caliphs, and most importantly they will be istiqamah in
worshipping Allah s.w.t. and following the Sunnah of Rasulullahs.a.w.
My thanks to all parents for your trust and support, and my appreciation also to the operator
and teachers for all the efforts to make the learning interesting and effective.
Now, watch and enjoy your child’s performance and do recite lots of Tahmid and Syukur in your
May Allah s.w.t rewards and blesses all of us, and may Allah makes the children to be the future
leaders who triumph in dunia and akhirat.
Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Tuan Haji Roslan Nordin
Little Caliphs International SdnBhd