Page 4 - GRAND IHTIFAL 2018 (Besut)
P. 4


                                                                                                 LC BESUT
                                                                      02 NOV 2018, 24 SAFAR 1440H

                                             COUNTING MY BLESSINGS

                                            Alhamdulillah Oh thank you Allah
                                           You created me and now I am alive
                                     Thank you for my head, my ears, and my eyes
                                           And my body that I use in my life
                                      I could hear the sound, and I know the voice
                                        I could see the world, I could recognize

                                            Alhamdulillah Oh thank you Allah
                                            You created me and all my family
                                       Thanks for the love of mummy and daddy
                                          I love my brothers, sisters and baby
                                           We live together, full of harmony
                                            Helping each other, living happily

                                            Alhamdulillah Oh thank you Allah
                                         You created the world and all its might
                                                 Thank you for the day,
                                                Thank you for the night
                                        The sun that rises, setting the day light
                                    The moon and the stars, what a beautiful sight.
                                       The river flows from the mountain height

                                            Alhamdulillah Oh thank you Allah
                                    Thank you for the food, thank you for the drink
                                       Thank you for the air that I am breathing
                                        Beautiful gardens and the river flowing
                                           Green trees and the birds singing
                                         I shall praise you, Morning and evening

                                            Alhamdulillah Oh thank you Allah
                                      Thank you for the school that I feel belong
                                 Who taught me things, what's right and what's wrong
                                  Thanks for the knowledge, all that make me strong
                                       Knowledge is the light, guides me all along
                                           Unto you Allah, everything belongs

                                                                                               Tn Hj Roslan Nordin
                                                                         Inspired on 18 September 2016 / 16 Zulhijjah 1437
                                                                                          At Masjidil Haram, Makkah.

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